Reef's 210g. Journal

Hod Dang
Looks like I'll just have to keep using my seachem calcium for a while.
It aint that much trouble to dose it once a week:frustrat:
i don't keep sps, but i do have a few lps and clams so i dose seachems reef complete for calcium,magnesium,strontium, and seachems reef carbonate.

sorry reaffreak for hijacking. Just adding some info.
I agree with you Yote! So far, I don't even have to dose at all. Just doing water changes and using good salt keeps it around 450. We'll see how those levels get once I add all those SPS though. I'd rather dose once, twice or three times a week than deal with all that right now...
I use the reef complete too.But havnt tryed the reef carbonate.
I'll have to pick some of that up.My PH is staying around 8.2 but alkalinity wants to stay down between 8 and 9 DKH.
Thanks for the info D,
I like Kh to be between 11-13. It seems to promote good coral growth. My wall hammer has almost doubled in size in 6 months with that level. I have to dose my tank, even though I use decent salt. I have switched to oceanic salt and my Kh still doesn't go above 9.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
i had the same problem with oceanic doc. whatever you do, don't try read sea. it's even worse! it's been 7-8dkh

MikMgyver, alkalinity typically needs to be between 9-12 degrees of carbonate hardness (dkh). it acts as a buffer to nuetralize acids (such as carbon dioxide) and stabilizes ph. it's all tied in with calcium and ph in one way or another. it's a complicated topic, so i will leave it to one of the guru's to explain so that i don't confuse you and myself on the topic. lol
i test weekly for Kh and dose as required. I just don't trust any salt to keep the levels where I want them. Kh also helps the corals grow and the inverts grow shells, I think. Biff, John, Reef, Yote...this one is for you. I know my limits. Biff showed me that (again) on a different post.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
Dfrench you can hijack anytime,I know little about kalk and cal reactors.

To Biff and Yote and whoever:

I considered a calcium reactor.Man they are super expensive and kinda intimidating with all the Co2,PH and such.Honestly I think you will be fine dosing and unless you want super,super fast growth.I do recommend you get a cheap ATO and dose the freshwater so your system can get a steady supply of calcium.Thats what I'm going to do.
So you mix your calcium in your top off water?
Just mix it to level you proper level or what? I'll have to give that a try.
Its going to take a little experimenting on how much to dose the freshwater.Every system is going to have different calcium consumption Yote.Right now I only have 4 sps corals and the water changes is enough.You look a little heavier in the sps department.Heck,this is still a work in progress.

Speaking of dosing,Yote what do you consider the best calcium additive?I was thinking of going with a two part mix.
The Seachem is what I use too,I thought trying something else.Kent turbo calcium or something else.I guess I start researching some more.