Reef's 210g. Journal

First off I like to thank everyone who has visited and commented in my thread.

I thought it might be a good idea to update again since Biff has wage an all out war against me.I have more corals to post but first I like to show my feeding technique for corals.This is for feeding my Goni,btw.

I prefer separate fuge over a sump/fuge built in one because of the added control over the flow.I realize it has another great advantage for feeding these guys.

Simply shut the valve close to the sump

Here's my weapon of choice....a Kent Sea Squirt.If anybody hasn't pick one of these up,need to.It works so much better than turkey basters since it can expand over 3' long.Ahhhhhhh,never get your hands wet.

Let the feeding commence.....


I keep the pumps off for around 30 minutes so they can get all they want.That sea squirt works for just about anything.

Does that feeder have any way to hold things like silver sides?
That might just be what I need to feed my BTA with.
Here are some more of the corals.
Some may be a bit blurry(YOTE taught me that!)



Fiji Yellow Leather


Thin Finger Leather(maybe Devil's Hand)


Oh and Queen Conches,they are so weird looking but sure keeps busy cleaning the sand bed.

Thanks for looking everyone.
Does that feeder have any way to hold things like silver sides?
That might just be what I need to feed my BTA with.

Yes it does Yote,the red stick on the end slides out.I use it for seaweed sheets for Kong(my emerald) and I stab freeze dried krill to feed the brains.
Reef,Have you paid any attention to the knife that conch carries?
They use them for protection against predators and its razor sharp.

Thanks for the tip on the sea squirt.I'll be having one of them too as soon as I can back into the LFS(probably after archery season).
sweet moses reef!!! that is such a beautiful tank. OMG I want it. I only hope I can get mind to resemble yours.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
Reef, your tank is absolutely amazing! Fat healthy corals everywhere! Quite a high bar you set. I'm venturing out the day after tomorrow to start my own coral adventure. Keep the pics/motivation coming!
What can I say that everyone hasn't already? The corals are amazing. If I can get just one that looks as good as yours I'll be happy. Great pics.
About the Queen Conch Yote...what knife were you talking about?
I haven't seen anything like that on them.I do know when something like a crab gets close to them they pop there foot to knock it away and move away faster.
Hey Freak,
Forgive me if you've already covered this, but do you have a calcium reactor? If not, are you planning on getting one? With all the SPS frags I just ordered, I'm thinking I will need one pretty here soon, but I've never had one before so I'm not familiar with them at all or how they work, or what the best brands are. Thought I'd ask since you said you were planning on ordering the same SPS pack as I did. But for now, with the volume of my tank and the small size of the frags, I'm hoping I will be okay without one.
Conches have a knife looking appendage next to their foot.Its hard to see unless your really looking for it.Most of the time,only the tip is visible.
anyone with sps tanks should use a calcium reactor + kalkwasser stirrer. kalk stirrer with top off system to add calcium, calcium reactor maintains calciums levels to keep them stable i believe. John is professional on this topic other guys in our club use both, i don't keep sps yet not enougth money for calc reactor or kalk stirrer and components required to run them.
big money into sps, 200.00 calcium reactor
250.00 kalwasser stirrer
not sure price on auto top off system
300.00 calcium reactor components not including co2 tank

than you will need media for reactor and stirrer
and probally controller for auto topoff
would be good idea for ph controllers also to keep track of ph when using reactors, for tank ph and top off water ph.

thats why i have to wait until i get a bigger house with finished basement so i can hide all this equipment, John has his all in his little add on shed which is awesome.