Reef's 210g. Journal

No Doc,no Anthais yet.

I really like the Bartlett's better than the Bicolors.No fish stores here carry anthais on a regular basis.I may order some on Monday.Oh and sorry,I don't have the balls for Angels,at least yet!

For all the gamers out there with Xbox360....Halo 3 comes out on Tuesday.An if you haven't played Bioshock yet,you need too,its so badass!
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I agree with you about the Bartlett's as being prettier than the Bicolors. They don't get as big, but the pink is great. Not to mention, they have those cute up-turned noses that make me giggle a bit. If you do go with Christmas Anthias (which is what they are known as around these parts), make sure to put in at least 5 to offer the school a sense of protection. They are more likely to swim openly in a school that size, otherwise, with tangs in your tank, a smaller school will likely hide and starve. They are slower eaters and, as I recall, eat only cyclops and other zooplankton. Pretty fish, nonetheless.

-Dr Marco :sfish:

when you do grow a pair big enough to try an angel, go for the Majestic. You will not be disappointed. Have you looked him up online yet? amazing fish.

-Dr Marco :sfish:

when you do grow a pair big enough to try an angel, go for the Majestic. You will not be disappointed. Have you looked him up online yet? amazing fish.

-Dr Marco :sfish:

I have plenty of cyclops since I use it regularly for the corals.Five Barlett's,I am right in having one male and the rest females right?I've been going on Liveaquaria's Divers Den,there are some really nice and rare fish.Check it out sometimes.

I don't have anything to update on,maybe I'll do a video or something.
Yup, you are dead on. only ever one male. I will take a look at that web site. You have some stiff competition with Biff's thread. She is frequently posting pics and that gets comments. You are lagging in not giving the audience what it wants. PICS. Also, she comments more often on her's, also adding to the length. Hope you are not feeling inadequate. There are pills for that, if you are.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
Awe Freak.. your not inadequate, figured id bite at your plugs in Biff's thread and yours is better by far as far as information goes. Hers may be longer and more entertaining, but if you want some serious ReefTalk, yours is a nice read. Also, the pics are better quality, if you are a person more interested in performance over size!!! lol Sorry Biff:nanananan
careful guys, Biff is a "moderator" now, she can kick off your post if she gets all butt-hurt over your liking reef's photos over hers.....Biff, I love your tank too.....snicker, snicker :bounce:

-Dr Marco :sfish:
lol Hey 33 pages! Your almost there Reef. Biff, imo not choosing favorites, here so ill be moving considerably from thread to thread. Then you all can hang out in mine. Im not starting it until i get pictures though.
Here's another thing to mill over... Freak started his thread back in JUNE!!! He had a 3 month head start! And he's STILL lagging!

Yeah okay my pics aren't as good. BUT I do need a new camera. AND I have no patience, so I insist on taking pics hours after I've added all the rock and moved everything around so it's all cloudy.

Maybe I will just have to buy myself a badass 38587923904 megapixel digital camera on my way home tonight. Just to compete. SNIFF SNIFF.
Okay. All of you guys' harsh criticism and nasty browbeating finally got the best of me. I cannot possibly compete with Freak's build thread without the appropriate equipment. It's all your fault that I just ran out and bought a $500 camera! IT'S ALL ON YOU!!!!!!!

So if you want to see some REAL pics, check out "Biffy Finally Gets a Build Thread". Well, not quite yet. Because I haven't even taken the new pics yet. But when I do, they're gonna be good! Better than any of these so-called "reef" pics you see in this thread... Ha!

I never shy away from competition. Ever. This is no exception!
wow...$500. that is impressive. That Wal-Mart position is paying you overtime to afford a camera of that nature. Can't wait to see pics. You might get some more business on your thread if you post them on Reef's thread. That way, people from all walks of life can enjoy your pics.

-Dr Marco :sfish::sfish:
hahahahahhahaa! get a tripod biff, it makes all the difference. after that just play with the settings. i know i haven't displayed any of my photo skills but i have a 10 mp camera that i do virtual tours/360 degree tours with. put it on the tripod and play with every setting on it. then shove it in reef's face. shazam! ps, i have a load of spare tripods in teh office. if you need one i'll be glad to send one to you, free of charge and priority mail. it's the least i can do for all the help. that reminds me, is there a way to make a donation to she site?
There used to be a link to "Support Living Reefs" and you could make a small donation and get this nifty "Living Reefs Supporter" button next to your name (like I have) but it seems to have gone missing... Maybe they aren't taking donations anymore?

And Dr. Marco, it was not the Walmart position that paid for this camera. I had to spend a couple extra hours hustling on the street corner for this one. I won't say what position it was that gave me the extra dough, but it surely wasn't missionary ;).

Just kidding. I'm not really a hooker.

I got a Canon SD850 IS (8 megapixels). The dude at the store said it was the best camera they carry for macro shots.

NewPortRichey, are you serious about sending me a free tripod? I'm so on that deal if you are!
I will never be able to compete with Biff on replies and views.My thread did start in June but all my equipment was new so it took time to be able to afford everything.My sump alone took a whole month to get built.Besides women are better at small talk then us guys.

So you got yourself a better camera.Thats not going to get rid of the algae.What are you trying to do...get macro shots of the algae.All I'm using is a Olympus point and shoot camera.Don't go into bankruptcy on my account.

May the best person win!
There used to be a link to "Support Living Reefs" and you could make a small donation and get this nifty "Living Reefs Supporter" button next to your name (like I have) but it seems to have gone missing... Maybe they aren't taking donations anymore?

And Dr. Marco, it was not the Walmart position that paid for this camera. I had to spend a couple extra hours hustling on the street corner for this one. I won't say what position it was that gave me the extra dough, but it surely wasn't missionary ;).

Just kidding. I'm not really a hooker.

I got a Canon SD850 IS (8 megapixels). The dude at the store said it was the best camera they carry for macro shots.

NewPortRichey, are you serious about sending me a free tripod? I'm so on that deal if you are!

I sure am. Just PM me a mailing address for ya and I'll get it out this week. Thought it would be a nice way to say thank you for everything. You answer all of my questions and you're always online to help. I was lost in this hobby before I got here. So yes, PM that over and enjoy!