Reef's 210g. Journal

You are so right Doc,
Its like anything goes with Biff as a moderator.It reminds me of those parents with their bad kids at Walmart.

All the distraction,I forgot to post the rest of the corals.Ah well,tomorrow then.
I say its a good price with the bulbs for a two month old fixture.If he/she has the hanging kit or tank riser,make sure you get those too,they are $35-40 online.
Here's some more corals.........


Candy Cane and Krytonite Kenyas

Acropora something

Anthelia,me thinks.


incredible, just incredible. I am SOOO jealous. My heavens, I want that tank really bad. I could do some great things with it. I just need to create more space in my home. Hopefully soon......

-Dr Marco :sfish:
What do you mean make more space,Doc?A bigger tank isn't going to take up anymore space than your 125 or are you going with a 7ft. tank?

My rocks placement sucks right?Its hard working with boulders and those odd tonga branches.Does anybody thinks I should go higher up with more rocks?
I have a few pieces of tonga branch too. I ended up using them under and behind the other rocks, so they are more hidden, but form more of a matrix on which the remaining rocks can sit. I think your height is okay, but yeah, you're right, the tonga branches are weird to aquascape with. You don't want it looking like a pile of twigs or a campfire or something.
Thanks guys for the input.I'm going to leave it as is for now and fill 'er up with sps.Speaking of sps,Biff did you order those frag packs from Reefermadness yet?I want to order the 20 or 30 pack all sps.The only thing is I'm afraid of getting a bunch of brown frags.
No I have not ordered it yet, Freak. I am waiting to add all my STUPID STUPID TAKING FOREVER TO CURE STUPID LIVE ROCK to the tank.

Ahem. Sorry. I was going to get the 30 mixed LPS-ricordia-zoo pack and the 20 SPS pack. I will let you know when I do!

Filling these huge tanks is going to be fun, is it not?!?! :D