Reef's 210g. Journal

Reef,That tank dont look no where near as full as your 75.
Looks great.And plenty of room for new additions.
Cant beat that with a hickory stick.
Here's the coral and the names just for Piggy.I really like how these lights look,a much richer color than the old bulbs.

Clove polyps(lower)

More Xenias

Hairy mushrooms

Neon orange zoos and damn hitchhiker palys.

Green Star Polyps(GSP) and Starbust

Clarkii clownfish and Trachyphillia radiata(open brain)

Good shot of the Skunk Cleaner shrimp

Trachyphillia geoffroyi(another kind of open brain)

The Sexy being sexy

I still have more to go here in the holding tank.I through with corals for a little while.What I want is fish,maybe a school of Barlett's.

I'll be back soon and thanks everyone.
QUIT POSTING PICS........... YOUR MAKING ME JELIOUS!!! No really those corals are amazing. I've never seen clove polyps like that. I got ones that look like daisys with yellow centers.
If your intrested in doing any frag trades let me know. We can trade and pay for our own shipping, and with you being so close it wont be but 8.00 buck or so.
Your right Reef,Those lights really make your corals pop.
I'll be ordering from those folks come tax time.

I done said it once,but I'll say it again,
Looks great.
Thanks everyone,no entering TOTM for me for awhile,although I was tempted to enter the sexy shrimp/xenia/clove pic.Bobby,it was sold to me as Glove polyps but they look like clove/glove polyps.There's so much nicknames out there that I try to post the latin names.I'll think about the trading thing Bobby,I know Doc wanted some colts.I have a huge one I want to send to him,just unsure if it will survive the trip.Heck,I'm not even sure it would fit in even the largest bag.

BTW,what does it look like to you?
Yeah big ones can be harder. If you want to LMK. This time of year is best for it. Not too hot and not cold.
speachless, nahhhhhhh not really freakin jealous man looks awesome. Got alot of same corals, except open brain corals. Awesome job on tank and transfer your lucky you hurried up and posted some pics otherwise we was going to have biff ban you until you did.
I have got to tell you. Your tank looks SOOOOO much better than other tank threads I have seen......240.......AZ.......anyway. I want to tempt you with adding a majestic angel - try one, you will like it. They are peaceful, don't eat corals and get about 10 inches. Take a peek online to research and take the plunge

-Dr Marco :sfish:
I have got to tell you. Your tank looks SOOOOO much better than other tank threads I have seen......240.......AZ.......

WELL. First off in my defense, I did not have the LUXURY of allowing my new tank to cycle before I moved things over. Because, as you should all know now, the ONLY place I had to put my new tank was where the old one was! Plus, I had to use my old tank as a sump.

Second, I accidentally COOKED 99% of my corals. So yeah, my tank looks empty. That will change soon. As soon as my tank is done cycling, I am going to add many many more corals.

Third, all my rock is still cycling in plastic trash cans! No duh my tank looks empty!

You guys had better shape up. Or there's gonna be some banning coming your way. Haters.
wow, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed...getting all panicked....throwing out the moderator card. Best be on my guard to make sure I can still post pics. reef...I love your tank. Biff...yours has potential too. I tell you what, which ever of you puts in a majestic angelfish will get my eternal vote for best big tank.

-Dr Marco :sfish: