Reef's 210g. Journal

Ya,lots of fun and lots of money.I can wait on the sps for awhile.

I got my eye on a trio of Anthias from the 2docs,its only *gulp* 200 bucks or the pair of Square Box Anthias for the same.God,I'm so confused....maybe I can get the LFS to order me one male/three females Barlett's or Bicolors.So many fish,so much to decide on.Can you tell I'm excited?

I know we cycled our rocks differently,the live sand we both bought sped the cycle up so fast.My uncured rock cycled in less than a week.
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What do you mean make more space,Doc?A bigger tank isn't going to take up anymore space than your 125 or are you going with a 7ft. tank?

My rocks placement sucks right?Its hard working with boulders and those odd tonga branches.Does anybody thinks I should go higher up with more rocks?

Looks great to me the way it is.

And yeah,I'll be having a few of those bulbs your burning.The colors really stand out.
If you are getting lots of tangs, go with the bicolors. Can't wait to see what you do.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
hey, biffs tank thread has 1,000 more views than your's! you need to post some pics of boobs or something in here. c'mon man! step it up a little!
Rigo has had luck with his postings of his man-chest. Maybe you can split hits with him?

-Dr Marco :sfish:
thank god you guys aren't talking about mangina, i'd have to unsubscribe to this one. lol. jk. diggin' the tank reef, absolutely amazing! do you dose with anything on a weekly/daily/monthly basis?
when are you going to get those anthias? what about the Navarchus Angelfish? Keep me posted.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
there are a plethora. Here is the catch, "reef safe" is a term difficult to define. I have multiple big angels in my tank, none of who pose what I would consider to be a significant threat. All angels do pretty good being housed with noxious soft corals, like zoanthids (although I have lost some to my angels) and leathers (never lost one of those - except a Kenya Tree---snicker). Add all your coals first and angelfish last and that inproves your chance for success.

"Small" is a term best defined by you. Are you talking under 4 inches? I like the flame angel, coral beauty, potters angel and keyhole angel. They are all quite hardy, acclimate well and will do fine with most all other fish (except for bigger angels)

is "small" 6 inches? If so, I LOVE the vermiculated angelfish (singapore angel). It looks almost like a butterfly fish and is SO beautiful. Lamarck's angel is truely reef safe and gets about 7 inches. There is also Wantanabe's Angelfish, who gets right about 6 inches, but neither of those two reach the beauty of the other ones I listed.

Well, there you go, probably more info than you wanted. Get me talking about angelfish and you get more than you bargin for, kinda like reeffreak talking about corals. Speaking of him.....(reef, did you like that transition back to your thread???)

-Dr Marco :sfish:
then go with a flame angel (first choice - so beautiful), then a potters (not many people have them, and quite pretty), then a keyhole (got to love them), then finally, the coral beauty. If your tank is big enough (75 or bigger) you CAN keep two or three, despite what literature and common internet crap tells you. Add them at the same time and you can keep them happy.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
they do fine. Add the angels last, unless they are dwarf or really small juvenile angelfish with the tang family Acanthrus - they tend to get aggressive toward ANY new addition and may try to kill the dwarf or juvenile. I have a Regal Blue Tang and a Koran, Blue, and Singapore Angelfish. They all get along great. I am going to add a Sohal (last) Tang next week. They will compete for food and DEVOUR frozen cubes fast, melt the food before adding or else they may bite each other trying to get at the cube. If the food is flying in the water column they are less likely to attack each other for food.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
thank god you guys aren't talking about mangina, i'd have to unsubscribe to this one. lol. jk. diggin' the tank reef, absolutely amazing! do you dose with anything on a weekly/daily/monthly basis?

I haven't dose anything in this tank or my old 75.I've always been a softies and LPS guy until recently.All I do is regular 10% water changes,that seems enough to keep calcium,akalinity and iodine within normal parameters.My plans are to stock more SPS,prolly going to need dosing then.I'm also going to start testing for magnesium also.