Reef enthusiast
No, Brandons the only live thing Ive ever shot. I prefer to not kill something unless I intend to eat it. and I dont know how to clean anything. I did buy a deer rifle in hopes of deer hunting though. Accually I lied. I have killed several skunks since moving to georgia. but thats was no 150 yard shot. 12 guage from about 20 feet. they are stinky little buggers. One time one got stuck in my trash can. So I called a buddy of mine over who shoots with me. We both got our glock 40 caliber pistols out and loaded several clips each. We let it go close to my woods and started shooting at it. it ran straight through my woods at least 200 yards with me and my buddy chasing it before we both ran out of ammo and had to watch it run off. we shot a total of about 30 -40 rounds and never even came close. I would have loved to have a video of me and my buddy running through the woods shooting at a skunk. I bet we looked like complete idiots