Nashville Frag Swap

Layout of the room once at the fragswap.

Official flyer and directions to the swap.

Just some info for all those that don't frequent the nashville clubs site.
Be careful... he suckers people in like that...He asked me to come to his house once and shoot guns and hang out blah blah blah... I was like hum what a nice guy.... well before I left i had a flesh wound and had been shot.

He is like a snake in the grass, be careful.
thats ok I deal with that kind of stuff all the time jerms wife had a meat fork and stuck it in his arm for agreeing with her he looked down and had a meat fork sticking out of his arm, and she has thrown me in a hollyberry bush and Im not talking about a little brush against a leaf or two she actually threw me in there.
you know I was wrong about you guys! I dont know why I thought you were rednecks! :mrgreen:
I wouldnt go bragging about a girl throwing you into a bush, your not a small man so thats really makes you look bad! Next time welcome her to the back of your hand! :mrgreen:
I better rephraze that last comment! Ive never hit a girl and dont advicate it. But the first time a girl sticks a meat fork in my arm or throws me into a holly bush ill be braking my record, and it will be the last time she messes with me
Ironman said:
I better rephraze that last comment! Ive never hit a girl and dont advicate it. But the first time a girl sticks a meat fork in my arm or throws me into a holly bush ill be braking my record, and it will be the last time she messes with me

Since we are talking about my wife mator:
The fork was an accident, just bad timing on me getting up from the table. The holly bush, I wasn't there but I don't think she meant for him to lose his balance and fall into the bush he was walking by. Even though he probably said somthing to deserve it. You can ask her at the meeting next week.
There we go again... what about forgive and forget... turn the other cheek... two wrongs don't make a right... just some little sayings. Free Advice.

Ok now that that is over... whats that joke you always tell me?

"What do you tell a woman with a black eye? Nothing shes done been told once"

You should be ashamed of yourself.
Brandon I have nothing to say to you! Jerk! Im gonna leave you a nice note on angelas back to tell you what I think of you!:shock:
Im not bald by the way, I shave it like that! :frustrat:
My dad was bald and he always told me that if your bald in the front you're good at thinking, if you're bald in the back you're good at sex, if you're bald in the front and back you're good at thinking about sex. :D

Unfortunately mines in the front.
First: The fork thing was a big accident:D
Second: I didn't throw Jelly into a bush, I pulled his arm and he lost his balance and he fell into it.:D
Third: I'm not violent, I just know how to throw my "weight" around and don't take crap off of Jerm or Jelly. They won't tell you how much they pick on me.:mrgreen: