My 33 Gallon Build I just impatient...or is my skimmer just not working properly yet.... I know it takes a while for skimmers to slime up ....but .......Today is day 11 and still no foam at all.

There is is tons of bubbles in the chamber....but nothing is going up the tube. It is a remora HOB skimmer (not pro) it is being run with an aquaclear 50 powerhead.

This skimmer initally came with a maxijet 1200 could it be that my powerhead isnt powerful enough...maxijet is 292gph, AC 270 gph

Just making sure I am paranoid...
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I think you should have foam by now. I'd say that the AC is probably the problem. I'd get a MJ or perhaps something even more powerful hooked up to it instead and see if that makes a difference.
Well...still no foam in my skimmer....but a lot of people just think it is because I have zero bioload.

I figure I'll wait a little longer until I add a something that is going to add to the bioload.

Tonight I added 5 trochus snails to my lonely peppermint shrimp. (who is an aiptasia eating machine I might add) Rest assured I do plan to add a bunch of other snails. Next week I'll add 5 or 10 more cerith and finally 10 nassarius.

I also purchased another powerhead and heater to make water changes a lot easier.
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Today's addition,,,
(under daylight)


(under atinic)
I am also noticing a difference in the algae....the brown diatoms are mostly gone, (except for on the sand) and now I am getting green algae on the glass with a little bit of coralline algae on the glass as well :) That said...I think it is going well so far.

Trying to decide if I should add more corals next...or add my first fish.... opinions?
I was looking at the Helfrichi Firefish. If I can't find one... Then just the regular firefish.

Then I want a pair of clowns but I might wait for a bit as I also want an anemone with them... So that's a while down the road

honestly that is all I was wanting for fish...

Any other suggestions?
chingchai on RC has what appears to be 2 completely white picasso clowns the only orange is on the fins and 'beak'(that is what it looks like) area. They are awesome looking.
Well, clowns (even Picassos) are hardier than firefish. I'd just be worried about such expensive firefish jumping!

If you have the cash to spring for such fish, go for it. Whether they are helfrichis or purple/red firefish, they are equally as hardy. Same with the Picasso clowns compared to a common variety. It's just that water conditions when you add your first fish can be very dynamic and it would hurt the wallet a lot more to lose an expensive fish!

If you are planning on helfrichis and expensive clowns, they are probably better added down the road once you've already established your water parameters with some less expensive fish.
Hmm.. It is only a 33... I was only thinking of those 3 Fish total.

I also have great lead on a pair of picassos.

Should I add some other fish then just sell it back? Or would the clowns be hardy enough to start?
So all the levels are zero.

It has been 2 weeks and 2 days.

I have never seen a ammonia reading above .1

The rock came from an existing tank. The sand was purchased as live sand. "Purchased wet in a bag"

Go for the clowns now? or wait?
When I thought I completed my cycle, I took a water sample to my LFS. I had them test everything for me (just to be certain)...Once they confirmed that I was good. I bought my clowns.
The lfs confirmed my levels... They said all is great but....

I purchased them today but I am picking them up middle next week.

I figure the extra time is a good thing. The nice thing is they will keep them for me as long as I need them to keep them

they are cool looking clowns :)

Please excuse the sad photo. It was taken with my phone.

Well I paid for 2 of these guys.

I was told that these are grade A picasso's , so overall I am happy with the price. (can anyone confirm these are Grade a from the sad pic?)

I was debating bring them home today...but I decided to wait. So they are still at the lfs until I pick them up.

I checked all my levels as did my lfs and all was good. But better to be safe than sorry..

Can't wait!
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That's great!...Those are great looking fish. The LFS by me just got alot of Picasso's in, I'd never seen them beofre last week. I think they're the coolest looking clowns. The remind me of dairy cows. I don't know why.