monkiboy's tank thread

I take em off the plug and glue them to my live rock. If I think its going to damage the coral by taking it off the plug I leave it. But most come off pretty easily.
i've been getting what i think is diatoms or some kind of gold/rust colored algae. what is this on my sand and rocks? this wasn't here a week ago. i guess this is further indication that my tank is cycled, huh?



i went to the LFS and got my first two frags, ever! i'm ridiculously excited! here they are, tiny little things they are...




here they are in the iodine dip (the LFS wanted $32 for coralRx, yea right!) waiting 20 minutes before being rinsed off in DT water. i am picking up some coralrx just in case it does make a difference from an online vendor.




also picked up an emerald crab, he got straight to work this guy, awesome!


this is after about three minutes in the tank, looks ok, right?


is that stringy strand coming off of her, ok? what are those two liquid looking amber sacs by the base of the frag?

i also picked up some pieces of dry rock to do some more aquascaping...

before while acclimating the frags to temp, from the front:


then added the new rock and frags and i think i did a really nice job. i placed some of the new rock for future flat placement of frags.



your tank is rather new to have that many fish. You should only add one every other week unless youre adding a pair like clowns. And waddi is right, looks like there is a tang.. a blue one at that, not going to call the tang police but keep in mind that tang will get big; to big for that size tank which will lead to stress and ill fish so you might consider an upgrade in the near future or trade him for a smaller fish.
I got your back marco! He is looking for a suitable home for his tang and I think he only has three fish? Tank isn't new its been set up for two years but he is now redoing things the right way. :)

Your new corals look good. You will love the frogspawn. What I'd the other one? Looks like green star polyps closed up to me. If they are they will grow like crazy and look like wavy grass. I have some and I love it!
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frogspawn looks happy, sometimes it takes a few days for new zoas to open
yeah, he opened up pretty quickly. here's a pick of the other frag from late last night- she is starting to open more as well and hopefully continues to do so. i'm rather certain the other one is not a zoa (i've looked at so many i forget what i go, already, haha.


Your "sacs" look like bubble algae. Just gently pull them off the rock. Make sure you don't pop them...
oh, really? no bueno. i should have removed them during the dip. do you think it is best to take the frogspawn out and gently try to roll those two bubbles off without popping and regardless of popping or not, do another dip after removal?

looks good! +1 Erin
thanks, i really appreciate your input!

*Cough* Tang....
yes, i have a blue tang. her name is cassandra.

your tank is rather new to have that many fish. You should only add one every other week unless youre adding a pair like clowns. And waddi is right, looks like there is a tang.. a blue one at that, not going to call the tang police but keep in mind that tang will get big; to big for that size tank which will lead to stress and ill fish so you might consider an upgrade in the near future or trade him for a smaller fish.
you're absolutely right about the tang and i have been figuring out a new home for her in the last month or so. i think today i might take her to the LFS since one of the employees has a 3xxg tank for her. my tank is not new. been up and running for almost three years now with the same livestock. i should have never gotten the tang (it was a LFS suggested purchase, go figure). i am just glad i got on here and learned about all the things i was doing wrong and everyone has been so helpful in getting me to this place where everything is so much better, happier, and much more enjoyable!

I got your back marco! He is looking for a suitable home for his tang and I think he only has three fish? Tank isn't new its been set up for two years but he is now redoing things the right way. :)

Your new corals look good. You will love the frogspawn. What I'd the other one? Looks like green star polyps closed up to me. If they are they will grow like crazy and look like wavy grass. I have some and I love it!
:Cheers: thank you - that was nice to read that someone had noted the back-story to my photos and situation prior to posting. but i know not everyone has time to read through endless posts and it's out of genuine concern to try to help, so we're good.

yes, i'm looking for a home for the tang (also, have just been trying to catch her lately which has proven to be quite a formidable task. i think i may try to put some mysis in a net and lure her in - haven't tried that yet.

i looked up the GSP and yes that is it! she looked just like this when i picked her up.


can't wait for them to grow!

He knows guys and is working on setting it right, dont worry

haha, thanks. yes, i've learned lots in the last month or so and am making all kinds of things right and am at least 60% there. added flow, changed substrate, upgraded lighting, removed the canister filter, added a mini-sump (building customer as we speak), and the list goes on. almost there and i'll be able to play with the big girls and boys, :D
No problem. :) now that you got a couple frags you're gonna be itching to get more lol. Hopefully cassandra goes into that net for you. It is so frustrating trying to catch a fish and not knock over your rocks and corals. She will be happy in her new home. That Gsp is gonna glow really bright also! I love it.
You can start feeding your fish from the net, that way they adjust to having the net in the tank and associate it with good stuff. Then when the time comes to finally remove the tang, just scoop her right up. It takes a couple of weeks, but IMO its the easiest and least stressful way of removing a fish
No problem. :) now that you got a couple frags you're gonna be itching to get more lol. Hopefully cassandra goes into that net for you. It is so frustrating trying to catch a fish and not knock over your rocks and corals. She will be happy in her new home. That Gsp is gonna glow really bright also! I love it.
going to be itching? um, yeah. i already placed another order, haha. :mrgreen:

the GSP is already a lot more open than yesterday. this is really fun stuff.

how long do you wait at each "level" of the tank when acclimating and should i just presume all of them, in the end, want to be higher and put them closer to the light unless i start noticing problems? or do some specifically like lower lighting?

yeah that was my bad, i was on my phone and the closed gsp looked like a zoa frag. sorry haha
no worries, thanks for the prompt reply and help!

You can start feeding your fish from the net, that way they adjust to having the net in the tank and associate it with good stuff. Then when the time comes to finally remove the tang, just scoop her right up. It takes a couple of weeks, but IMO its the easiest and least stressful way of removing a fish

i'm gonna pavlov my fishes, you just wait. thanks for the tip!
lol yay we get to see more pics then! When I first got corals I didn't know about light acclimating them so I just put them wherever and they were fine but now all new ones I get stay on the sandbed for a couple days and then get put into the rockwork. You could put them anywhere really. Those two aren't too light demanding so you might not wanna put them too high up so quick. Middle to bottom would be good. You can also play around with the flow and see what they like. All corals are different and respond differently to everthing. My stupid duncans still aren't open and its been like three weeks. Well they're open just not inflated. Starting to piss me off actually lol but they prlly just wanna be moved I'm gathering.
can someone address my question above about diatoms/copper looking algae?

also, in regards to what someone said about bubble algear..."i should have removed them during the dip. do you think it is best to take the frogspawn out and gently try to roll those two bubbles off without popping and regardless of popping or not, do another dip after removal?"

would like to take care of that today, if possible. thanks for the guidance, all!

lol yay we get to see more pics then! When I first got corals I didn't know about light acclimating them so I just put them wherever and they were fine but now all new ones I get stay on the sandbed for a couple days and then get put into the rockwork. You could put them anywhere really. Those two aren't too light demanding so you might not wanna put them too high up so quick. Middle to bottom would be good. You can also play around with the flow and see what they like. All corals are different and respond differently to everthing. My stupid duncans still aren't open and its been like three weeks. Well they're open just not inflated. Starting to piss me off actually lol but they prlly just wanna be moved I'm gathering.
oh great to know, thanks. i'll see what makes them happy. so these guys don't "eat" anything they are purely photosynthetic. so plenty of flow and light and that's all there is to it (aside from the healthy parameters, of course)?
Yep, those are diatoms, they will go away on their own.

If its easy, i would take the frag out of the tank and remove the bubble very carefully. Then give the area a little rise with some tank water, then place back in the tank.
The frogspawn will eat small meaty foods. Yep those are diatoms. You will go thru a few algae stages I'm sure. They all seem to go away on their own. In the meantime you could get some snails. I got two turbo snails and they ate all my algae up.
The frogspawn will eat small meaty foods. Yep those are diatoms. You will go thru a few algae stages I'm sure. They all seem to go away on their own. In the meantime you could get some snails. I got two turbo snails and they ate all my algae up.
thanks for further verification. and i got a CUC on the way. at the moment, i have two snails, a banded coral shrimp, and an emerald crap (appropriately named emerson).

i think i may have over done it with the new CUC on the way, but the deal was too good to pass up and i figure i can always put some of it in my quarantine tank, if need be.

i got it through reef2go and the "package" includes:

  • 20 Nassarius Snails
  • 20 Cerith Snails
  • 10 XLG Cerith Snails
  • 5 Turbo Snails
  • 20 Blue Leg Hermit Crabs
  • 5 Mexican Red Leg Hermit Crabs
all for $39.99, and get this FREE SHIPPING. even if 10 of these guys are DOA it's still a sweet deal so i went for it!

here's the link in case you are interested: Live Saltwater Algae Eating Crew.