MitchReef's Reef...well the current one at least....

Thanks a is an OUTSTANDING feeling of excitement as well as calm, seeing things acclimate and all. I have a few various Zs & Ps opened, the Miami Hurricane is puffed up around the eyes, the Platygyra brain is puffing up and showing purple in the valleys, and the Clowns just look like they've always been there..... This evening's feelings are what it's all about....
Lord Jesus have mercy. I finally see a tank with water, rock, coral and fish. Looking great, buddy, keep up the fantastic work. Was the wait worth it?
It never felt like a wait....more of a calm, methodical process....honestly I always felt like I was just chugging along toward the goal of a reef.....
I guess my system is just in "that awkward stage" when the young tank is starting to be stocked and to grow out...I now have my same dozen frags and the Naked and Misbar ocellaris clowns and Powder Brown Tang. I am trying to make time to go by my LFS today. They are holding three very strong feeding Carberyi anthias for me....those will certainly add some great movement to the tank....and some fish zoas and palys are shrinking terribly under the clean conditions....
So....I put Larry, his brother Darrell and his other brother Darrell in the tank last night about 6:00...When the lights went out Zen the Tang finally stopped terrorizing the new kids in the neighborhood and he crawled into a hole to sleep.....When I got up this morning the anthias's were huddled into a corner looking quite pleased....when I got home from work today it was like they all grew up together!!!!

Happy home again....and plenty to see!!!!​
Well.....the anthiases (??Plural for anthias??!!!) turned out to be a totally bad choice....they never started eating and the powder brown targeted them as enemies so they went back where they came from!!!!

The little misbar clown decided to explore the land outside the glass box and I found him in jerky form on the tank room floor....I now have one male ORA naked clown and one powder brown tang and a pair of nice new tank lids!

I have a few more fish coming to the system over the next week or so....I will be adding a filament flasher wrasse, a starry blennie and a rare hybrid MaiTai's a maroon / ocellaris cross....a friend has the distinction of being the first to get this cross...Over the next month I also want to add a purple firefish and a blue reef chromis.....I think that looks like great stocking for a 120G display...

Looks like a great project!! I will be following your progress, interested in seeing the end result, its going to be sweet!
I will have to find a picture, but I will put one up soon....

I'm excited about the wrasse as well....these are amazingly bright...
Here is the promised photo. This is one of the pairs of MaiTai Clowns the breeder had.

I think I'm pretty well set on my stock list now....
Powder Brown Tang
Naked Clown
MaiTai Clown
Filamented Flasher Wrasse
Sailfin Blennie
Purple Firefish
Blue Reef Chromis
Orange Spotted Goby

With the exception of the Goby I plan to introduce all the new guys at once to prevent targeted aggression. The 150 gallons of system can certainly absorb the addition of 5 nano-fish at once. I am waiting on the Goby because I feel my sandbed needs to mature more first....
I have all the luck....friend and livestock business owner got two of the wrasses so I could pick from the two...Then after the other fish I am getting from get eating good I will get them all....okay, so the wrasse I put dibs on jumped from his fish system and was jerky when he found I switched my dibs to the other he committed suicide Filaments available just today so we will check the other wholesaler on Tuesday and see what we find....