Help With The Overflow/skimmer/wet-dry!!!!

I think it FINALLY got my wet/dry working..... At least for now.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:^: :bounce: :^: :bounce: :^: :bounce:

Wow, in effect, everyone on here were right about something wrong with the pump. I really was sceptical about it as this is a brand new pump! Looked at it, unplugged one of the airline tubing going from my overflow to the pump, and here was a large piece of green air algae stuck right at the base where the pump and hose connect, and I coudn t see it cause of where it was..... Wow........ So for now, it is working........ the pump is vacuming the air in my overflow and it works great! Hope that was it!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't say thank you enogh to everyone on here for helping me out!!!!!!!!!! Next time, it will be the first thing I will check!!!!!!!!!!!! :frustrat: :frustrat: :frustrat: :frustrat: