Help With The Overflow/skimmer/wet-dry!!!!

OMGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My wet/dry started making bubbles again today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I m absolutely loosing it!! I tought that my pump was broken cause of my powerbar that melted... but guess that wasn t it........
It would probably be a very good idea to make a trip to your local hardware and pick up a power strip that has a GFI breaker. Or if you know an electricain and have them make you one up.
The few extra bucks itll cost is worth it when you consider whats at stake.
I'd check everything we discussed -- clean the overflow, make sure it's siphoning correctly. If water is not draining through the overflow, then that's where to look for your problem. The air bubbles might be coming from the pump in your sump that's running dry because the overflow is not filling it.
BAD!!!!!! lol.. I checked everything out, and i can t figure it out. So I just shut off my wet/dry/skimmer... i don t know what to do anymore. i spent hourssssssssssssssssss, sitting in front. unassembling it. Reassembling. Adding water.... Buying a new air pump... And so on.. And nothing works! So i quit!
no no no you dont want to quit at most go to your lfs see if they can recommend anyone that knows anything about them to come out and look at your box go from there dont just give up. :D I promise it will all work out.
Yeah, well i went to my LSF already. Explained my problem already to the guy working in this department. And he said I was the first one with this problem. He tought it might of been the pump. and when I realized it burned, i tought it would be it for sure! But not even!!!!!! So even my LSf dosn t know...... It just seems like in my overflow, there is a pocket of air on top and won't go away. so seems like it won t syphon properly. but the guy told me that you can t loose syphon on these things... So I don t know anymore!!!! It will be cheaper to just throw this crap in the garbage and buy another one then to ask someone to come and check it!
At least, one thing encouraging is that the green hair algae slowed down a lot!!! It s almost gone... Compared to before!! I mean still green... But not as bad as before.... And my pretty fish!!
jelley, Here is some more pix of the unknown stuff growing on my live rock. Also, Where I found my tube worm, there are 3 more growing beside it. So I have 4 now at 1 spot! Also, seems like Corraline is starting to take over... i have nice big patches of purple growing on top of green stuff. So I guess that s good :) Anyhow, hope these pix are better.... The "unknown stuff" is growing at several places and it is growing at a fast pace!





Biff, must agree with you.. it is weird looking..... and I have patches of it a little all over my rocks....

BTW, the pic of you in your wedding dress with the mountains is beautifull!!