Help With The Overflow/skimmer/wet-dry!!!!

Can you back off a bit and take some more pics. try to get more of the equipment and hoses. not so close. post and Ill take a look. what is the pink/lavender bucket for, is that a hose going into it?...Check out your overflow and make sure there are not blockages there. If you have air in the overflow at the top you will not move water at the proper rate and may be your problem, so as andy asked do you have an air pump or vaccum pump to remove the air from the over flow siphon area.??
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Hey everyone!! Here are some more pix.......... hope these ones will give you a better idea...I also posted pix of my tank and fish on the Reef Photography forum so it might give everyone who helped me trough out an idea of my "work in progress"... if you need more pix of the wet/dry, let me know what angle.. or close up you need.... Will be waiting to hear what ytoiu think is wrong with this wet/dry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:frustrat:










Well thanks for the add pictures. I am not familiar with that particular system, and could not tell from the pics where the water level was, anyway, My recommendation is for you to contact the store you bought it from and see if they will come out to adjust it. if not local, they can take you through the steps by phone. If they are not willing to do that, id take it back to um and get something diff if possible. With out the installation instructions and setup data It is not possible to determine the exact cause of your problem. The system is worth getting it correct and keeping it. Just need someone who is familiar with the system to help. Seems like as mentioned by others you are pumping faster than the return. Your pics of the tank water level appeared to be quite high. All of the air must be siphoned out of the over flow for your return flow to be correct. Bout all I can help with. Sorry. Unless you want to post the wet dry data sheets and installation sheets. a lot of trouble I know, but without um cant help to the extent needed. good luck with the unit. wish I could help more.
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Well.. Thanx so much for all your help..... It's ok.. Even my LFS cant help. they don t know what s wrong. And in the instructions, they don t say much at all. trust me. that dosn t help! Anyhow, i was looking at your setup today. Wow this is amazing!!!!!!!!!!! Well, good luck with all that..... :)
Spend your time on getting all the air evacuated out of the over flow and your return should increase. just my best guess at this time.
Yeah. well somehow, i can t get the air out of my overflow?

I tought my pump was messed.. So I went to buy another one. it worked for a couple days, then started again bubbling like crazy!!!!!
Sxy - my :twocents: My powerhead blows bubbles when my water level is low and by u-tube into the overflow isn't full. I've never seen a system like yours, but I do have a sump. I had to replace my powerhead and now it doesn't have a drip. I've learned that when I turn off the powerhead I have to take it out of the water or my sump overflows.
Beancntr, Well i can definetely say that the U tube in my overflow is not full. there is air in it. but how does it go away. i have an airpump plugged to it supposed to sucction the air, but it dosnt work. Just replaced the pup thinking my pump might of been not working. and nop. still back to point A
Cant leave this one alone. I know we can figure this out. I will try and keep it simple this time. so, you said that you bought a new air pump and all worked for a couple days. what was the water level/or how much air was in the u tube portion of the overflow when everything was working?
JHNRB, yeah, like i told Biff, when it first started NOT to work, i realized my power plug catched on fire. So when i looked at the plug on my pump, it was half burned but still working. SO I figured it was probably not working "properly". So went and bought another pump(same pump). It worked for a couple of days. I know I had a little air bubble in the U tube (maybe about 3 inches long by 1 inch wide-> air bubble). My water level was full. If I added 1/2 more water in my tank, it was gonna overflow! and it stopped working 2-3 days later. Now, in the U shape tube, water won t even go all the way up in the "U" part up there. there is maybe half an inch with air. The pump is plugged, and working (I hope cause this is brand new), and it dosn t suck up the air in it....
and my water level in my tank is really high right now..... I can't really add more water...

I can scan the instructions for you if you'd like... maybe that will give you a better idea.....
I can't tell you exactly which part is causing the trouble here but your problem is in your aqua lifter area. Your aqua lifter is either not working, there is a in your tubing or aqualifter that connects to the overflow.

Make sure your tubing running from the box to the aqualifter are connected to the right ports.

Check to make sure your aqualifter is actually running. If it isn't it could allow air to flow back through into the tubing.

If it is working check for leaks in tubing from the aqualifter to the box. You can remove the tubing and blow into it to make sure it isn't clogged but since air is getting into your siphon tube a leak or inoperable aqualifter is more likely.

As a quick fix you could always manually start the syphon by basically sucking on the air tubing that connects to the syphon tube then capping or sealing the end of the tubing just to see how it works. If it works fine that way it would isolate the problem to the aqualifter with out a doubt.

Hope this helps in some way. My overflow doesn't have a pump attached yet to remove air from the syphon tube but I plan to add that in the future. Good luck and keep it up. It took me hours to get all my flows right with my sump and skimmer set up.
In addition to what VA said, check the overflow box/surface skimmer box in your tank and make sure it is adjusted properly and level left to right and front to back. you can raise and lower the box with the screws on each side, you may have the over flow adjusted too high on the tank rim. let us know. good luck.
JHNRB, The overflow is asjusted to the lowest level.... but I will definetely check that as well tomorow morning and make another attempt.......... Well see how that goes........ Will keep you posted for sure!!

And by the way, i decided to follow your advise and buy myself a book on corals. I ordered one from amazon with express shipping.. Hahaha... i think i should receive it thursday.

Thank you all for all the help! It is greatly appreciated!!
If the overflow box is at its lowest position and level then the problem has got to be with the evacuation pump or one of the fittings in the pumps lines on the suction side. maybe a blockage or partial blockage as va mentioned. Hope this helps. let us know.