Got a green carpet anemone

yeah luckily I got mine out before it ruined the water quality. Todays water test: 0 nitrites, 0 ammonia, 20ppm nitrates (down from 40 last week) and 0 phos. What bums me out the most is that if that carpet was wild caught, I basically am responsible for something that could have thrived and reproduced in the wild for decades. I could care less about the $40, you know, whats another 40 after you've already sank easily a grand into a tank?:grumble:
The BTAs I have however have never been better. Maybe one will split again soon for me?
a grand? thats it? count your blessings. I could have bought a new car for what I have dropped on my three tanks over the years

well, a grand is just the 55 gallon. Plus. Plus one more, probably, if I add up the receipts. spent 2k already on the 110 and it's only stocked with 1 damsel and some snails and emerald crabs! too bad hamsters aren't as addicting as reefs
Its really expensive! Over where I live I noticed if I go on the pour side of town (my town lol) that all my fish stores are alot cheaper. I went to a new store over in the expensive nieghborhoods and The stuff was almost doubled. I asked why everything was sooooo expensive and they said all their fish were in copper tanks. For example, a BTA at my lfs is $39.99, the lfs on the rich side of town charges $99.99 and they dont even look as good :scratchch A little off topic but thought I would share :mrgreen: