OH! <sniff>, that means you must really like me....or are just waiting to continue to use me as your emotional punching bag....either way, I feel loved and validated! :mrgreen:
hmmmm well I don't know if you read, but newport richie just found out his carpet was a bonified firefish eater, so you may want to take it back, or just know that your really rollin the dice. just thought I'd let you know.
he's been in there for a week now and he's been good so far. I keep it fed krill and most the time when I try to feed it he wont even take the krill so I know he is staying full. Not really any money fish so im not going to swet it. Dont think it will eat the lion or my tang, and dont think I have to worry about nemo either he wont ever leave his bta.
SalteeDogg-- do you feed your carpet anything else besides krill? Like Silversides maybe? I tried feeding mine a dead blue damsel today and it kept rejecting it. It would react to it at first, grabbing it with its tentacles, but then a couple minutes later release it. What is your experience with it rejecting food? Does yours eat mysis?
Usually if it rejected food then it was full. Mine only ate once a week. Most of the time he would eat krill (soaked in garlic) but if he wouldn't eat krill I would feed him live rosie minnows and he would eat those everytime. And on the krill I would put it on the carpet then jab it with the net so that he thinks it was a live fish. Worked for me. Good luck!
He went with the 30 gallon I sold. Didn't want to chance him in the 75g with all the more expensive fish. There's no telling how many times that thing has gave me a heart attack when a money fish would hover over that carpet :death: so I decided it was best for him to go. He is greatly missed and im starting to regret it :grumble:...Who knows maybe ill get another one my LFS carries all different sizes and colors so I have alot to chose from.
I just fed my carpet and RBTA's each a small goldfish...boy was that a show! Actually the BTAs seemed to accept the fish quicker than the carpet... that took it a couple mins to work the goldie over to its mouth. The BTAs kinda taco'd and took it down in less than a minute. Over the last 7 months or so I was just feeding the BTA mysis and rotifers at the direction of my LFS, but they didn't take it quite as graciously as live fish! :bounce:Here's a pic of the BTA eating (didn't come out so great). The smaller one has a minnow
Its not really good for your nems to be eatting goldfish.
Either try lancefish,silversides,or raw table shrimp.If you want to feed em live food from time to time,go with damsels.
I just got a green carpet the other day its about 10 inches it was really nice looking at first but now it looks like shit its all slimy its got strings of slime like 8 inches long blowing around in the current I guess from reading these posts its outta there at least it was only 25 bucks funny thing is that my lta has been in there for 6 months now and is terrific water is good too so whatever its gone!! I didnt do any research so theres another lesson for the new guys!!
Ditched the thing today it stunk soooo bad my nitrates were off the charts overnight ever heard of that? thought it might take a couple days but guess not.
One thing that kills a lot of anemones is acclimation.Most folks just dont take the time to acclimate them right.Their extremely sensitive to any changes in water chemstry.