Filter questions, maybe a DIY in the future?

So tomorrow ive gotta get up really early on my late day starting class, and rush my ass to rheinlander, its a 2 hour drive each way I found out, according to google maps on my phone, but going over the speed limit should take a bit less, here is my shopping list so far, every one just blurt out what else I should search for to get for this project. Here is what I'm getting so far: Mag 7 pump (700 gph), The 600 gph overflow with a 1" single bulkhead, and the coralife super skimmer 125 gal. I know i need to pick up some piping, they have it for sale by the foot, and that valve that keeps the water form reversing in the pump side, anything else? I saw they have some fittings for the end of the return thats flexible and different shaped endings...
Get the one way valve at Rheinlander if you can, the hardware stores only sell ones with metal parts. And you need one that is all plastic. They should carry it at a store like that.

Those fittings for the ends are called LocLines. They are STUPID expensive, but I haven't found a good alternative yet. I bought two Y LocLines and they were $40 apiece. RIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The things that were in here are in the "ball joint couplers and fittings" section, and the end pieces are only like 2-5$, the flexible tubing its like 5$ is that the things you were talking about biff? they are black and shoot the water out back into the tank
And sometime today while i was in school or last night, something chewed on my blue velvet damsels tail, hes missing half of it... Do you guys think the tuxedo damsel did that? from what people were saying he should be the passive one... What should i do? I dont want a crippled fish, cause i could never put him down, hes my first fish and i love him! And my fuge isnt up yet.... What are the odds there was some sort of hitch hiker in my tank, what could do that? I'm thinking its the other damsel, even though they have a 4 foot wide tank they are always swimming around in circles testing each other, but ive NEVER seen either one bite at each other.
At this point, my guess is that the .25 of ammonia is a false positive. Many ammonia tests will read something when there's nothing there. Since you are not seeing nitrites and your nitrates are spiking fast, if it was me, I'd do a water change. You could also take a sample of your water to a fish store and have them test it for you. That way you know if you have a bad ammonia test kit or not.

Yeah I think we are talking about the same thing, the ball joints and couplings. The brand name I have is LocLine.

And yeah, I'd say it's the other damsel. I know you like them and all because they are your first fish, but you have been warned that they will try to kill each other or any other fish you add later one. You've made the choice to keep them, so dealing with beaten up other fish is a consequence of keeping those damsels. Sorry, I don't mean to sound harsh, but you sound surprised that they are being aggressive to each other... It's no surprise, they are damsels.
They werent aggressive until last night, ive never seen them gnaw at each others fins ever yet, guess im gunna have to do something about them, I might pick up a fish trap from the store tomorrow. I also found a directional U-Tube thing that you can put those fittings on and they stay on the side of the tank and then you can aim the water, 5$ for that, and about 5$ for the end fitting. Ill add one of those valves to my list once I find it in the catalog.
I'm setting off on my journey, they said they would honor the catalog pricing, because the super skimmer was like 90$ more on there website than it was in the catalog, YES! gotta rush back and get to class by 3, ill be home at 8 and start going through all my goodies!
I made it back in time for class amazingly, made the 2 hour and 4 minute journey in about an hour and a half each way. Picked up: Super skimmer 125 gallon, mag 7 pump, 600 gph overflow with the pickup pump thing, check valve, a bunch of vinyl tubing, and a socket U-tube thing for the end of the return to direct the water! Damn what a cool place, they had so many nice coral frags in there, and I really wanted to lay down in the 180 gal tank they had, for only like 400$... too bad it was bigger than my car or I would have gotten it maybe...
Picture time is right, Im going to mock set everything up for my sump and take some pics, then Im going to need some feedback on weather I should do it like that or not. Im unpacking it all right now, ill take some pics when I get it mocked up on the floor here. Oh yeah i got a good test kit too, my ammonia is ZERO thanks alot test strips... waiting on nitrate test right now, prolly do a water change in a little bit here tonight...
You might just want to start your water mixing tonight.Its better to let it mix for 24 hours or so before you do the water change.
I wouldnt set mine that way unless I just HAD too.I dont think it would hurt anything,but youd be re-skimming some of the water.But thats not really bad either.
Ill have to check into that, im just sizing everything up for now... just out of curiosity... how do you attach the vinyl tubing to all the other stuff that it needs to be?? I thought id remember everything, but i was in a hurry and I forgot to ask what id need for that... The 1" on the overflow the tubing fits loosely inside the bottom hole... and on the pump the mag 7 pump, the holes are the same size for the outlet, and the tubing, but the tubing will never fit over the end of that thing... Its got the angled grooves in it like something is supposed to screw on around it??