d2mini's REAL 130g Rimless Cube Build Thread

Umm don't you mean Patti?

Ok, here's an update! :)

Ammonia was around .5 this morning but then as the day when on it crept back closer to 1.0 so it was time for another water change. Swapped out another 25 gallons. Also did some re-aquascaping yesterday and moved some of the sponges around today. I think I got the rocks pretty much where I want them with two non-symmetrical islands which looks good but also allows the Vortechs to push water between them and then bounce off the front corner and throughout the tank. It was REALLY hard trying to fit rock in a walk around tank without just piling it all in the center! But I think it turned out kinda cool. I even have a little roof sticking out from the right side in the center.

Also got my FLOR tiles delivered on Friday!
So i laid those down today, too.
And finally I also received my Vortech Back-up Battery so I installed that.

Oh and last week I got my BRS reactor going with HC GFO and ROX Carbon, and also installed my Turbo Twist UV Filter in my sump.
So I think I've now got all tank equipment hooked up and running, all my rock, sand and cuc is in, I've got some pretty stuff in the tank to look at for a while... so I think I'm good! :D

My next project is going to be in the garage.
Two 65g food grade water storage tanks, plumbed together, for fresh and saltwater mixing. With a hidden water line running through the wall to my tank for ATO, and another set of plumbing to do water changes direct from the water tanks. To be continued....

Here's some pics from today.






That looks great Dennis. Thanks for the pictures. Did those floor carpet tiles come from FLOR?
Thanks! :) Ya, got them from direct from FLOR. Expensive little suckers though. :grumble:

What kind of camera do you have dennis?
Nikon D700

got any pics or links to those food grade 65g's? Been looking to set up something similar....
Tank Depot is where I'm getting mine because we have a location in Houston.
I have a Kitchen carpet made out of those squares. I love them but they are a bit expensive. I think I'm going to get some more for other areas of the house.
Thats already an awesome looking tank Dennis.
When you REALLY start adding corals,its gonna be a WORLD CLASS tank.:D
Oh hey any review on the iTech skimmer yet? Tax time is just around the corner and I think I want to redo my sump area including a needlewheel skimmer.
Oh hey any review on the iTech skimmer yet? Tax time is just around the corner and I think I want to redo my sump area including a needlewheel skimmer.
Well, considering I don't have fish, I'm not feeding the tank, and all I did was put in rock that had probably very little die off, I think it did ok over the last day or two. :lol:


Very cool. How are your sponges holding up?
I think ok, but hard to tell at this point.

There you go Dennis, I went ahead an' dd it for ya'
ha! Thanks. :)