d2mini's REAL 130g Rimless Cube Build Thread

Dennis that crab picture is soooooo Rad. im assuming a macro lens was employed for that one. I am really jealous of all your sweet crustaceans. I really want some porcelain crabs for my nano.
Dennis that crab picture is soooooo Rad. im assuming a macro lens was employed for that one. I am really jealous of all your sweet crustaceans. I really want some porcelain crabs for my nano.

Yup, macro. That guy was about the size of a nickel. :D
He's a red mithrax but i have some porcelains too.

Oh and... THE DIATOMS HAVE BEGUN! One week in. :lol:
I bought a porcelain today!

Are you skimming with all that new rock in there) now is the most important time, because there is dead organic matter on the rocks from shipping I'm sure. It will really reduce your inevitable algae bloom.
Ya it skimmed for a couple days, the ammonia spiked on day 2 and i did a water change, and then skimming fizzled out. Since then, its not really skimming anything. A very short little cycle with very little die off.
I did just get my GFO/Carbon reactor going tonite.
Thanks, Eli!

Here's a few more pics of life on the rock and my urchin who was the first to move on up from the 46g Bow! :D
Ammonia is now pretty much undetectable.



AWESOME! I wish my urchin were that small. mine is HUGE now. what is that red tube deal in the second pic? any clue? it looks sweet
ummm... not keeping it so most live stuff will move over. What's left anyway. I'm down to my clown and 1 chromi as far as fish go. Still have my original cleaner shrimp, a large pep, and some snails and stuff. Haven't seen my banded brittle star in a while. I have a pencil urchin that i may bring to the lfs and trade for a tuxedo. He was quite the rock mover in my 46. My gbta i'm not fond of but my clown is. I'd rather replace him with a rose though. No rock or sand will be moving over. Mangroves will transfer to the new sump. Most corals will move.

Oh and apparently that red thing is a tunicate. Haven't found a pic of one that looks exactly like mine though.
This just in....

Lots of goodies promised by Richard. He went diving yesterday and picked up lots of good rock, critters, sponges, corals, etc.
How cool is that?!
Woohoo! :D
Rock on the way!
Richard was able to get me my stuff a day early! :bounce:
He just called me and said this batch is severely LIVE rock. Just came out of the gulf on wednesday. Gotta throw the rocks and sponges in with no air exposure to try and keep all the sponges and stuff alive and not start dying off and spiking the ammonia in the tank. He said to look at each piece real carefully in the tank and if ammonia starts to spike, some sponge is puking and needs to be removed. Plus all my cleanup crew and other goodies coming too.
Guess I'm going to have a busy friday night. :D