Casey and Sarah's brand new tank!

AHHH HE IS OUT!! HE IS SO COOL!!! I can't wait until tomorrow so I can take a picture of him for you guys! In the meantime I have a question. How often do you guys feed your fish? I have just been feeding once a day, am I feeding enough? Also, I just feed my tank flake, pellet and rods food. Should I be putting anything else in?
I personally would stop feeding the dried stuff. I feed my fish twice a day, but for a long time I only feed once a day or every other day to keep good water quality.
Glad to hear about your tang and you found the shrimp. My cleaner shrimp all have different personalities. One has explored every inch of the 60g tank he's in and never hides. And the two in my 180g spend most of their time in their cave with one venturing out more than the other.

I also feed my fish twice a day. I only use frozen and use a variety of different kinds, Emerald Entree, Marine Cusine, Carnivore Cusine, Mysis, Angel & Butterfly Mix, Spirulina Brine, and Rod's Foods. For a special treat I give them a small clam on the half shell, my butterfly's go crazy for it and so do the cleaner shrimp.
We got our MP40 in the mail today. This thing is awesome! I hooked it up and all of the sudden BOOM tons of crap in the water collum! This thing is going to improve the health of my tank no doubt! For those of you that have them, what modes do you run them on? I put mine on nutrient export mode to get all of this junk out of here for now but any suggestion? I only have one so I don't know how affective the ecosmart modes will be.
I've only had mine a couple of weeks, and so far my favorite is the nutrient export. I like the small wave it generates during it's cycle, and the undertow it creates really pulls everything off the sand. I'm not sure my corals are a fan though, I'm going to experiment with some other settings as soon as I get home today.
Hey guys question, I have a Fluval 205 that came off of my dad's FW tank. He no long wants it but it's only rated up to 40 gal so I can't use it on my FW. I was wondering if there is an application for my SW tank. I was thinking of running it while my MP40 is kicking up nastiness from the tank to help clear out some of that gunk since right now I dont have any sponges at all in the system. I also figured I could run carbon in it and maybe clean up my water (even though my water isn't cloudy but it can't hurt right?). Any thoughts? The FW tank it was on just had one huge goldfish who I think died of old age (it looked like it could have been ich so I am guessing I would want to bleach the filter so that I wouldn't be introducing anything into the tank). I just figured it is lying around doing nothing. The other option would be sell it and get like a dual reactor for GFO and Carbon from BRS since I already have a MJ1200. Just wondering what everybody's take was on it!
I would sell it and get the dual reactor, but you could also use it like you described. just be sure to clean it pretty regularly, like weekly.
hey just a quick update! Tank is doing great, MP40 is awesome! Here are a few new pics. These are straight off of my DSLR so I haven't had a chance to fix them in Lightroom, I'll post those later but I thought these were awesome.

My shrimp that I promised you all pictures of:

And my yellow tang after its bout with Black Ich:

(doesn't he look great!?)
Yea I am going to have to fix the exposure because in real life, he is much MUCH brighter. I'll repost when I get it to look a little more life-like.
That 'patch' of white is a razor sharp blade. That's why they're called Tangs, and by their other name, Surgeonfish. Handle with care, they will cut you right open. ;)
So far march has fucking sucked. In the last 48 hours I have lost literally everything in my freshwater tank. 1 4 lined pimodella catfish, 1 green terror, 2 jack dempseys, 3 black convicts. All that is left is a plecostomas that I added last week who I am pretty sure introduced the ich into my tank. I know it's not saltwater related but it fucking sucks.

A quick update on my tank that still has shit in it, everybody is looking great. My yellow tang looks amazing, everybody is getting along great, the shrimp is finally starting to spend some time durring the day in plain sight rather than hiding under the rock. We even saw him cleaning off our clarkii this afternoon. Thank god for that tank. If it wasn't for my SW tank, I'd be hurting even more right now.

(sorry for all the bad language. I usually don't swear on the internet because I think it's in bad taste but honestly, fuck this)
So far march has fucking sucked. In the last 48 hours I have lost literally everything in my freshwater tank. 1 4 lined pimodella catfish, 1 green terror, 2 jack dempseys, 3 black convicts. All that is left is a plecostomas that I added last week who I am pretty sure introduced the ich into my tank. I know it's not saltwater related but it fucking sucks.

A quick update on my tank that still has shit in it, everybody is looking great. My yellow tang looks amazing, everybody is getting along great, the shrimp is finally starting to spend some time durring the day in plain sight rather than hiding under the rock. We even saw him cleaning off our clarkii this afternoon. Thank god for that tank. If it wasn't for my SW tank, I'd be hurting even more right now.

(sorry for all the bad language. I usually don't swear on the internet because I think it's in bad taste but honestly, fuck this)

I think we all go through tough times being owners of any type of tank, fresh or salt. Im sorry for your loss. Keep your head up.

Btw its your thread, vent whatever/however ya want. Theres always someone here willing to listen.
Yup. We're here to commiserate as well as celebrate. Sorry for the run of crappy luck. It hurts when we lose our pets, and everyone here knows that. So vent your frustrations. We don't mind. Sometimes the folks here understand when no one else does!
I'm so sorry to hear that! It really sucks loosing pets! I'm glad your salt tank is doing awesome tho. Keep your head up. You'll get thru it.
We got a new coral! We were at the LFS today and Sarah said to the guy "I really like your mushroom" and he says "Ok I'll give you one!" so we got a free tiny mushroom. I'll try and put a pic up tonight but it's pretty cool!
Alright as promised, some new pictures.

The shrimp. He is so cool.

Finally got a good picture of one of my Black Spiney Urchins!

Another of my yellow tang, Kitty. This pic is ok. I have an AMAZING one that I'm not going to post until the Yellow month of POTM

Our new FREE Mushroom. No idea what kind but its green and sorta rust color.

And my beautiful wife looking at the tank

Hope you all enjoy!