Casey and Sarah's brand new tank!

YAY! All of my params checked out at 0 today for the first time! 0 ammonia, 0 trites, 0 trates. salinity 1.023. Now to get my PH up (it tested at 7.94 today, YIKES). We will be ordering our MP40 this week and hopefully about 50lbs of marco rock next week. We want to add some more territories to our tank before we get any more fish. I'm still working on my algae scrubber so hopefully I can get that installed this week too.

I do have one question, right now we have micro bubbles in the tank. I think it has something to do with bubbles from the skimmer getting into the pump. I can't pull my sump out otherwise I would put in a bubble trap. My question is, can I put some egg create infront of the bulkhead and then a sponge infront of that to help eliminate bubbles and debris from getting into my tank? Right now I have no mechanical filtration so anything that becomes suspended doesn't get cleaned up. Any Ideas? Thanks guys!

Casey and Sarah
Yeah you can do a sponge to help with bubbles, but keep in mind it'll need to get cleaned every couple of days else it will begin to leak nitrates.
Most coral recommendations are for 8.1-8.4, but I think most corals will be fine slightly outside that range. If the pH was 7.5 or 8.9, you might have issues, but at nearly 8.0 I don't foresee a problem developing. I would be more concerned with keeping water quality pristine and maintaining your calcium, carbonate, and trace elements where they need to be. I've also noticed that my pH has increased slightly over the course of several months to the 8.2-8.3 range. It started at 7.9 as well, but I think the LR and water changes have helped to adjust it upwards.............
Yea I just keep using the 8.4 buffer. It seems to want to drop but I am guessing that will change now that my nitrates are gone. I will keep an eye on it and just try and keep it as close to 8.1 as I can without putting much in it.
Stop using the buffer, and stop worrying about the pH. Trying to tinker around with chemistry readings when they are already fine can get you into major trouble. Plus if test your water in the morning the pH will be lower than right before the lights go off because the photosynthesis going on during the day takes up CO2, which causes the pH to rise
Yeah, I think that pH is fine. It will vary slightly throughout the day. Stability is better than quick rises or falls.
Ordered our MP40 today! Should be here by the end of this week (hopefully sooner??). I can't wait to set it up and get that ugly Koralia out of there! In the meantime, everybody is happy and healthy! Our cyano that accumulated on the rocks is starting to die off which is nice. Hopefully in a month it will all be dead! Now if I could just kill that hair algae. It's always something right?!
Ordered our MP40 today! Should be here by the end of this week (hopefully sooner??). I can't wait to set it up and get that ugly Koralia out of there! In the meantime, everybody is happy and healthy! Our cyano that accumulated on the rocks is starting to die off which is nice. Hopefully in a month it will all be dead! Now if I could just kill that hair algae. It's always something right?!

Sweet! You will not be disappointed with the MP40.
Alright so as some of you may know my yellow tang has black spot so today we went to the LFS and picked up a few new tank mates! We got a cleaner shrimp. We hope that this will help the tang fight the black spot and we also really like cleaners. We also got 5 more hermits and an emerald crab because Sarah loves watching crabs eat. The tanks is dark now but I will try and get some pictures soon of them!
From your fish list it doesn't appear you have anyone in there that would have ate him. Probably just hiding and getting use to his new home. :D
Same with my new goby. He's hiding in a hole in the rock and won't come out. He needs to come out to eat or he's gonna starve. What a dummie!
We found him! We spotted him under a rock this afternoon! I'm so glad he is still alive! An update on my yellow tang: He looks much better. I think the cleaner shrimp cleaned most of the black spot off him and he doesn't seem stressed any more. He is eating like a champ (more than I have seen him eat since we brought him home!) and seems much more social these last few days (doesn't run and hide when I come up to the tank) so it makes me think maybe we got him sick and we are just now seeing it and he is just now kicking it! Either way, I am going to forgoe the fresh water dip for now!