Casey and Sarah's brand new tank!

I think adding salt directly to your sump would be pretty risky - hard to control salinity increases that way, and that stuff is pretty nasty if it hasn't had time to really sit for 24hrs. I personally would make up a slightly stronger batch of saltwater the next time you do a water change and slowly add the stronger batch, measuring your salinity as you go. You really don't want more than 0.001 change in salinity per day!
thanks guys. Is topping off going to mess with my pump at all? I have the Tunze ossimolater (SP?) ATO and I'm using that pump.
Top off MANUALLY?! But that takes so much effort! (lol jk) Ok manual top off this week it is.
me personally I would aim for 1.025-1.026, the ocean hangs around 24-26 like little fish mentioned. when I run into stuff like this I either let the salt climb on its own as water evaporates and then I top off with water that has salt levels that i desire. example top off with saltwater that is at 1.026....or if u wanna speed things up make a really strong mix of salt one gallon that has a really high salinity level an pour it in. try an avoid putting pure salt in unless you have a good spot somewhere.
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ok cool sounds good. So 1.025 is my goal and I'll just manually top off this week with water at 1.025. Thanks guys!
We got more corals today! Thanks Little_Fish! I'll put up picks when I get them settled in the tank :-D
The interview went awesome! I will let you all know tomorrow if got the job. In the meantime, 50lbs of MaroRocks are on the way! Time to get this tank looking AWESOME.
Me related news: I GOT THE JOB! I am now a TSE1 at VMWare in Broomfield! I start in the summer and we may move down that way this winter but for now, I'm just happy I got it! This may mean a 220 is in my very near future!

Tank related news: I got some putty and some corafix today and got my corals (at least the ones that are going to stay where they are) glued to my rockwork. I am really hoping my toadstool is ok, he is still kinda shriveled up and I think my CUC has been bothering him so I moved him. I attached the frogspawn to a rock, the digi to a rock and the GSP to a rock. Everything else is still just sitting on the rocks because it is all going on the other side of the tank next week when I get my new rock. It all seems like it is doing ok so we will see. Thanks again LF!
Ok so I'm getting my tax rebate soon and I want to get something cool for my tank. I was thinking about getting a reefkeeper elite but when I started thinking about it, I don't really need one. My lights are already getting controlled by the AI contoller, my powerhead is on the MP40 controller, I have a really nice heater with a digital thermometer and a digital readout on the thermometer. Is there really any reason to get a reefkeeper?? Could I put that money towards something much more beneficial like a calcium reactor or maybe 2 mp10s for the back of the tank? I just want to spend my money in a good way. I am guessing ill get about $400 this year (after putting some in savings and after my wife buys clothing). I could also get some really cool coral or maybe a HUGE red planet to replace the dead one that I have in the tank. Thoughts?
Ok pictures! Here are the new corals we got! (ID's would be great!)

So this is the brain coral we have had for a while. He is getting BIG. This was right after feeding so his feelers are all out.

I think Little Fish said this was a purple digi?

Some polips

The free mushroom from the LFS (he's TRIPPLED in size in 3 weeks)


Cool pic of the clow fish Herbert

and a nice pic of one of my 2 urchins

I also have some GSP that opened up but then got knocked off the rock and curled back up. I glued him down and now I'm just waiting for it to open back up. I also have a little blue mushroom that I didn't get a pick of, a toadstool that hasn't opened up (I don't think he is happy) and a little polyp that fell behind the rocks that I have to retrieve next week when I get my new rock and move stuff around.