Casey and Sarah's brand new tank!

Yep, purple digitata (sp?) and nuclear green palys.

The toadstool will be fine, they tend to shed a layer of skin when they get moved around a lot. But they are pretty much indestructible.

And that urchin picture is amazing
So i have trace amounts of ammonia. like .25 ppt. I am guessing it's because I pulled out some dead coral (that should be live rock by now) and added some marco rocks. Should I just monitor it to make sure it doesn't go up or do i need to take action?
Hey all,
I know it's been a while since I've updated. Still fighting that raised ammonia level, I am going to take a water sample in to my LFS tomorrow to see if they get a different reading. Once that comes down, I am going to get some new fish and some new coral! Besides that, I got rid of the urchin who was eating my coral so now I am going to have to bug little fish for some more GSP! Last but not least, some pictures!

Benny the Blennie getting cleaned by our cleaner shrimp!

The purple Digi that LF gave me, Finally starting to do well!

The Frogspawn, also doing well

and a FTS (the one I am going to put in for POTM)
Took my water into the LFS yesterday and had them test for ammonia, everything looked fine! So we got a new test kit and a new fish! He is a Kole Yellow Eye tang and his name is Olie. We called him Olie because as we were looking at him, the guy at the LFS put his hand in the tank to get a molt from a crab and Olie JUMPED OUT OF THE TANK INTO THE TANK NEXT TO IT! It was awesome. So we got him, acclimated him and he is doing fine this morning. Our yellow tang Kitty is giving him some trouble but I am guessing he will calm down in the next few days. Pictures soon!
Check out this before and after! This is about 5 months under AI Sol LED lights. Look at it compared to how close it is to the clam right above it.


lol some days it's orange and somedays it is green but it always looks like that at night under the actinics
Hooray! The tank is all moved down to Denver and we only lost one thing! And when I say lost I mean that it is now buried somewhere under the sand. I looked for it to no avail but hopefully I can get another one soon. Pictures coming soon. The best part is, now I can get my sump out so its finally time to get a fuge in there!
Oh woops lol. We lost a purple digi. It's a bummer too because he had soooo much new growth.
Eh its ok LF. What I really want is more GSP. I am going to buy a red planet frag and a birdsnest here soon plus I want to get a plate coral. First I have to get the levels right again. SG was at 1.023 and trates were at about 15ppm. A few good water changes should get everything back to normal and everything seems happy in the tank so I'm not super worried.
Well my tank is all back to normal! I installed the auto top off today! Now i'm back to where I was before I moved except i can access all of my stuff much much better! The sump can come out of the stand now!!! Today was a little crazy, had my skimmer overflow and flood the bottom of the stand and part of my brand new apt's carpet :(. I soaked it all up with a towel and then pulled that corner of the carpet up and put a fan under there. All dry now :-D. I want to buy a controller that can text me or email me if that happens again. Any thought? I would like to be able to manage my whole tank from the internet. That would be sweet. Ill try and get some good pictures this weekend for ya'll.