Bubble Tip Anemone


Reef pro
Scientific name - Entacmaea quadricolor

Family – Actiniidae

Common name – Bubble Tip or Bulb Anemone

Max Size – 12 in (30 cm) typically smaller

Range - Fiji, Singapore, Tonga

Min. Aquarium size – 30 gal (113 L)

Care Level – Difficult

Lighting - High

Temperament – Semi-aggressive

Water flow – Medium

Foods and feeding – It will get most of its energy from the light, but should be feed larger meaty foods like chopped fish, shrimp, scallops or clams.

Supplements - Calcium, Magnesium, Strontium, Iodine, Trace Elements

Aquarium suitability -

Reef compatibility – With caution, always the chance it might catch and eat a small fish.

Captive care – This is one the most difficult animals to keep in this hobby. They require extremely high lighting conditions, and pristine water. They are extremely sensitive to copper, nitrates and any swing in parameters can be fatal. Extreme caution should be taken with any anemone because when they die, the toxins they release can and will kill everything else in the aquarium. The Bubble tip anemone is one of the more hardy anemones, but still should not be tempted in a tank less than a year old. When introduced to a tank an anemone will wander around until it finds a suitable place to live. It can sting other anemones, corals and fish so be sure it has plenty of space. This anemone comes in a variety of different colors. This type of anemone will host clownfish.


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