Brittany's teeny tiny reef!

Sadly I don't think they will be reappearing :( its been a bit since I've seen them last. Hopefully the corals like the light up higher.
Update! A lot has changed and is changing about this tiny tank. I figured out that the sand I had in there was polymer coated and made out of silica. Neither of those things sound good to me and i think could possibly be harmful to the tank so I switched over my black sand to white aragonite sand. I really didn't want to switch to white but it's more natural and the tank will benefit from it. I've already seen improvements in my zoas opening up again since I changed out the substrate. I also relocated the tank to my night stand next to my bed rather than the kitchen counter bc I am upgrading my lighting to 1 or 2 par38s. I'm gonna order two, see how one looks on the tank and if I need more light then I'll stick the other one on there also. Also my husband changed the rock scape a little bit. I like it a lot better now that it doesn't look so much like the M from McDonald's lol. I also got some cheato from a friend to reduce my phosphates. I just stuck in right in the tank. Doesn't look bad in there. Looks like a little shrubbery :) still have Oliver my mandarin and my clown goby. I've started feeding then cyclopeeze along with the PE mysis to make sure they get enough food. They seem to like it. Oh and I also got a new cleaner shrimp. I just love this guy! Don't really love him cleaning my hands, freaks me out but I love his personality in the tank. :) I will post updated pics in a bit after I take them.
How did you learn that about your black sand? I wonder if that is the case with mine? I can't wait to see what you did with it!!
How did you learn that about your black sand? I wonder if that is the case with mine? I can't wait to see what you did with it!!

I posted a thread on reef central and a few of us bounced ideas off eachother and since I couldn't think of anything else it could be I looked at th ingredients of the sand. I'm not saying that it deff was leaching anything into the water but I figured it's a small tank and would be easy to replace the sand just in case that may have been causing any problems. Plus Aragonite sand is much more natural and is healthy for the tank.
Tanks looking great :) Shouldnt be too long before the whole back is purple. I miss my cleaner shrimp, I liked when he cleaned my hands but hated it when he picked under my nails lol
Thanks guys! This tank has been giving me so much heartache lately. I am so happy to see it doing better now. :)
Teeny update. I ordered two par38 bulbs today. The ones with the uv and also some of those Asian lantern looking shades for them. Zoas seem to be opening a bit more it not 100% normal. Slowly improving.
I can't wait either. The bulbs will be here before the cords and shades though, which is annoying bc I'll want to turn them in as soon as I get them :(