Beeguiles 29 gallon reef

Thanks guys! I kept on trying to get decent pics of the birdsnest bc it would come out looking white like it was bleached or somthing but it was just the settings on the camera had to be changed. Less exposure or something and more color saturation of course
Thanks guys! I kept on trying to get decent pics of the birdsnest bc it would come out looking white like it was bleached or somthing but it was just the settings on the camera had to be changed. Less exposure or something and more color saturation of course

Use this free website to adjust the levels of blue, red and green. You can make sure the real colors pop out instead of the hues of your lights.

Photo editor online / free image editing direct in your browser -
Ohh the zoas? That picture is a little brighter than they normally are. That's the color they glow in the blue leds. This is what they look like during the day.
Amber that site won't work on my phone for some reason and I don't own a computer:(
Valasaraptor I hope they are happy in my tank also. I have a feeling they will be fine and ill end up fragging them back to you. What was the name of that zoa you gave me again?
Yea I really want some bright blues! My lfs don't have them tho so I'd have to get them online..maybe ill get them after I get the 10g all spiffed up.