Beeguiles 29 gallon reef

Thanks amba. I like to have the colors pop out. I need to get some blue in there.

Brit when my blues are (shrooms and zoa) ready to frag I'll let you know and you can take advantage of those freebies. I can give you some pink as well if you want some pink from say my hammer. The thing I found with my hammer I grow is its rather hardy.:Cheers:
Hey Brittany, I don't know if you have a facebook but ABC reef has a page and apparently they got a lot of great stuff in. I may make a trip up there tomorrow or saturday, just letting ya know if you weren't already aware :p
Kurt, if you wanna post a pic of those blue zoas for me that'd be great. I'm lookin for blue zoos but I don't want pale blue I want like BAM blue! Lol

Amba, yea I liked their page on Facebook. Wish I had some extra cash but I just did all ky Christmas shopping and now I'm poor. So no corals for me for a while Haha. Thanks for letting me know tho. Maybe my husband has money lol
Yea he is pretty awesome. I named him peppermint. :) I've heard they are hard to keep for long periods of time but I've had mine for oh prlly five months or six maybe? Idk but he's been easy for me.
as soon as they arrive I will show them to you :D I have 10-15 heads coming from salty underground some of the blue clouds and navy blue plays.
Amba I did end up going to abc's! Lol our friend owed us some money so we told him to just buy us a coral. My husband picked out a plate coral. It's purple and green. Its not fully open yet but that's how it looked when it was first put in the tank. When its all puffed up its a lot bigger than that.
That's wicked cool! I gotta get me one of them! I keep having things come up which is preventing me from going up there, I don't really buy corals at my LFS, too expensive.
Yea my lfs is going downhill. I went there last week and literally there corals were crumbling to the in dead lol. They said for some reason all of their corals are doing that so that's a negative on there for a while so abc it is for me. That's the only other reliable place close to me. I got that plate coral for 65 bucks which is pretty good I think.
It's fish Friday at my lfs today. That means free snails and 25% off everything! I also had store credit. I went in for salt but came out with a yellow finger gorgonian and a couple snails. The gorg. Was priced for 50 and I got it for 20!! So I'm pretty happy. Also got more rotifers for it. Will post pictures after its in the tank!! Stay tuned ha