Beeguiles 29 gallon reef

Update! I had a 50 dollar credit for my lfs so I thought I'd go see what they have. They had another longnose hawkfish in...this time I spent a lot of time just watching the little guy. He seemed to have a great outgoing personality and he was very interested in eating. I had the girl feed him for me. I acclimated him about about an hour and put him in the tank. Fed him some frozen food and he started sucking it right up! Yay! He is now swimming around checking out his new home. Nobody seems to mind him being in there. I think this is gonna be a good one. Now I have a tighter fitting lid so he won't be able to jump out.

Also last night I cake home from work and a rock from the very top had fallen down onto the sandbed. It was centimeters from hitting my acans and coco worm. Thank god it landed perfectly. So I went out and got some more epoxy. The epoxy of course looks like total crap right now being stark white but hopefully the algae will grow on it quickly bc its right under the light. I also had the lfs girl special order me a rock Anemone or a flower Anemone. Whichever you wanna call it. Told her medium sized and that comes in wed. I'm gonna check it out on Friday. After that no more nems. But I've been reading about them and they seem to be pretty good and not too demanding. So I'm pretty excited to see what it looks like and for my new hawkfish. If this one doesn't work out I'm giving up on hawkfish for good. Oh and my duncans are opening more and more each day. I saw them eat some frozen food today so that's a good sign!
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i just read your entire thread, wow! new subscribe. did you ever invest in a calcium tester? or find out what levels you were at? also, what type of glue do you use when gluing under water? i know ecomarine has some stuff but it's $texas. other options or do you always glue outside of the tank?

awesome, awesome stuff.

also, which is the coral that looks like a giant feather duster with the red/pink and white coloration coming from a tallll stalk? i want one!

i just read your entire thread, wow! new subscribe. did you ever invest in a calcium tester? or find out what levels you were at? also, what type of glue do you use when gluing under water? i know ecomarine has some stuff but it's $texas. other options or do you always glue outside of the tank?

awesome, awesome stuff.

also, which is the coral that looks like a giant feather duster with the red/pink and white coloration coming from a tallll stalk? i want one!


Thanks! No I didn't buy a calc. Test kit yet. I was gonna buy a total reef test kit but I spent all my money on Christmas gifts for the family and still have to buy more lol. Hopefully ill be able to get it soon though.

This is what I use to epoxy and glue. What I do is if its a frag I dry off the bottom and put some superglue gel on the frag, then a little ball of epoxy and then some more superglue on the epoxy and then I stick it wherever I want it. I've used just the glue and it works but its not strong. And the epoxy doesn't seem to stick without the superglue. The combination together works wonderfully. The epoxy I get at lowes and the glue I got a the dollar store, family dollar. Loctite is good but you only get a couple squirts out of one bottle and its expensive. My glue comes with four or five in each bag. Each bags only a dollar! Lol I sometimes glue and epoxy underwater. Still works but its a pain in the butt.

It's actually an invertebrate. It's a hard tube coco worm. I love that thing! They need good calcium to build their tube and he is building away so I think thats another sign my calc is prllly good. He's just like a feather duster just cooler looking in my opinion.
Oh also with the Loctite if you put the bottle underwater the glue won't come out anymore. With my dollar store glue you can use it underwater in hard to reach spots lol. Just remembered that.
thanks brittany! lots of good info. this stuff is so addicting. i can't stop buying frags after seeing yours and other folks tanks around here, haha.
It's been three weeks and my duncans are now just starting to fully open. They are eating a lot like pigs! I'm gonna fatten them up so they grow uber fast! Lol

Also to everyone. My longnose hawkfish is doing well. He was being a bit bullied by my six line wrasse for a couple days. I don't understand why bc he looks nothing like a wrasse but after a couple of days it has subsided and they are getting along better. I think the six line just wanted to show him who is boss bc he never really chomped on him just chased him for a bit then left him alone. This guy is so active and eats a lot. He comes to the glass everytime he sees me! I love him. My husband named him barracuda.

Also the gorgonian is doing awesome! I bought frozen rotifers and it loves them. I also fed the fish frozen foods and I saw some peices of food in the gorgonians polyps...he was eating them! I didn't know they could eat peices that large. I've been spot feeding the rotifers every couple days. Do the other corals benefit from the rotifers as well?

I'm glad to say all is well in my tank. Tomorrow i will be picking up my rock flower Anemone, as long as it looks healthy and all. I have no idea what it looks like so let's hope its pretty. The girl said its brown grey and we will see.
yes, all of your coral should benefit from the rotifers, just a little extra food. i have a little war coral frag, and its hilarious watching it eat pieces of mysis bigger than it.