Okay so my lady deleted the photos of the tank the other night for when the power was out so I wont be able to upload those... But I can describe the scenario for those that care. Situation, power outage... interrupted my gold rush show at that. Called the power company and reported it; they then proceed to tell me an car accident took out 4 poles and the projected time for it to be back would be 5:30 in the morning... it was currently 10. Unfortunately the mp40's aren't in yet; expecting them this week. So with that being said, I knew the tank needed some type of water movement to ensure there would be no losses. I took it upon myself to: jump the curb, pull the jeep to the front door, run an extension chord through a window and hooked it up to a power converter for a tv in the jeep itself. Therefore, the powerheads had power and water had movement. The pictures did way more justice; the neighbors were probably flipping their lid with me all parked on the lawn and such but desperate times call for desperate measures... Now if only I could fix the trench marks I made in the yard in the process; we'd be in shape.