yup! for starters, will upgrade from 48 leds to 144! will implement some reds into the fixture for more color. they will also be controlled by an apex controller so I can have a more customizable photo period and will be running 3x mp40s. The rest is simple: vertex skimmer, sump, ato with a kalk stirrer, and calc reactor (why both? so I have a more stable Ph, They will cancle each other out as the calc reactor will lower the Ph and the lime water of the Kalk Stirrer will increase it making them equal.
A fellow reefer in my home town showed me his 150 and hes running the same setup which is working great for him.
Will finely tweak my wish list once tax season settles (I owe this year :grumble:)
Ring = Paid for... just waiting for the mount to be finished