invest in your own test kits and know what youre testing for... trust me, like LF said, too much dosing can be a bad thing. Water parameters can change within 24 hours and the more stuff you dose, the more you add to your tank; if your corals are not consuming it, its stays in your water column and can be a ticking time bomb. I.E. i have a lot of frags in my tank; theyre small.. I recently added a calcium reactor and in the process of "dialing" it in, I lost 4 high dollar sps frags and possibly may lose a colony in the future due to excess alk and calcium being added to the water... the corals werent consuming it fast enough and therefor I had some losses.
when you say your LFS is testing your water, they also may only be testing the "essentials" like ph, nitrates, salinity and such... but most dont test alk or cal unless you ask them so be sure to have them test for that as well until you can get a test kit for yourself. best investment by far in the hobby ;D