55 Gallon Reef Tank build

My setup is almost the exactly same. The differences are I dont have a sock. My drain line goes in under the water, extended the end a little to direct the flow into the rock I have in the sump to reduce bubble. I have more bubbles in the sump but none in the DT. Also I used clear tubing on the return line instead of hard plumbing it. My tank its in my room and pretty dang close to silent. By the way same overflow box.
I got my overflow at aquatraders. Its the same as the one in the video. The website says they have them in stock. $40 is cheap. I got the drain and return lines from them also but they where junk. Went to the LFS and bought better ones. Also got the aqualifter pump at the LFS pump was $22 different drain and return lines where $25 for both.
4 Month Update

Okay so here is my 4 month update.. In the past few weeks I've taken out 2 of my chromis and added a bunch of live rock.. One of my clown fish seemed to have got caught in the filter and shot down into the sock where he died.. So I bought another one and threw him in the tank to pair up with my female.. After 5 hours together they paired right up and haven't left each others side since.. I went to my LFS and bought a small white bubble tip anemone for 15$ on a black Friday sale.. After only 2 days in the tank the clowns have started to host it.. I've also added a small red tail flasher wrasse.. She has pop eye though on one side.. I guess from bumping into rocks.. She's been hiding alot so I figure maybe she got spooked and bumped her eye on something.. Anyhoo, everything is good in my tank and I just put in an order for a pair of Ecotech Radion 2's.. I started dosing calcium and other trace elements so when I do start adding coral they should have enough nutrients to thrive right off the bat.. Here's a videoof what going on..
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That nem is pretty sick and its going to need some TLC to get it back in shape. No healthy nem is white, its means it has been under extreme stress and has expelled its symbiotic algae. You are going to need to keep extra pristine water quality to give that guy a chance to recover. But one good sign is that its attached to the rocks and not floating around.

Also stop dosing things into your tank. Your saltwater mix will already have all the element corals need to grow and they will be at the correct levels as well. Overdosing is easy to do and is toxic to your corals. More isnt always better. When it comes to dosing, you never dose anything you arent testing for and only dose the things you tank actually requires. Most tanks dont require any dosing, just regular waterchanges.
Thanks for the advice.. All I do is shoot a few drops of EcoReef Calcium Carbonate once a week.. I'm not pouring crazy amounts of chemicals in there.. My parameters are perfect every time I go into the LFS which is once a week usually.. Hopefully I can get him back to good health soon.. He was at the fish store for over a month in the same tank.. Poor little guy..
Thanks.. It's okay to feed that anemone thawed out table shrimp right? I'm gonna do everything I can to keep that little guy alive.. Anyone have any other tips I can try to do to get him healthy?
Do not feed it, you will just stress it out. Leave it alone, the worst thing you can do is touch it/mess with it.
Actually you should feed it because without the symbiotic algae it has no way to feed it, but you shouldn't feed it large food items. In the wild, something as large as a table shrimp would never float down to where a nem would get it, too many hungry watching eyes. Instead, feed it something l like rods food that has lots of smaller particles. I would feed 1-2 per week
invest in your own test kits and know what youre testing for... trust me, like LF said, too much dosing can be a bad thing. Water parameters can change within 24 hours and the more stuff you dose, the more you add to your tank; if your corals are not consuming it, its stays in your water column and can be a ticking time bomb. I.E. i have a lot of frags in my tank; theyre small.. I recently added a calcium reactor and in the process of "dialing" it in, I lost 4 high dollar sps frags and possibly may lose a colony in the future due to excess alk and calcium being added to the water... the corals werent consuming it fast enough and therefor I had some losses.

when you say your LFS is testing your water, they also may only be testing the "essentials" like ph, nitrates, salinity and such... but most dont test alk or cal unless you ask them so be sure to have them test for that as well until you can get a test kit for yourself. best investment by far in the hobby ;D
5 Month Update

So I've added a bunch of stuff to my tank since my last update!! My wrasse's eye healed and went back in and he still has use of his eye!! I thought for sure he was going to loose that thing it was way out.. My clown fish have paired up and fully hosted the anemone who is on the road to recovery.. Since my last update, I've added a juvenile Tomini tang and a very young six line wrasse.. Both wrasse get along fine and don't nip at each other at all.. I've also added another 20 pounds of live rock to my system and I think I'm stopping there.. It's plenty of rock and I'm not really into the whole tank full of rock thing.. I like to have a large water column for the fish to swim around freely.. I've FINALLY added a background to my tank which was the best 12 dollars I've ever spent!! But my biggest upgrade are my new EcoTech Radions!! I installed them yesterday with the premium hanging kit and short rail kit and they look incredible!! The difference in color is unbelievable and the amount of light pouring into my tank is insane!! I've added some before and after pictures so you can see the difference.. I only have them at 60% power right now..




Here is the before picture with the marine land fixture..
6 Month Update!!

Hey guys!! Hope everything is good with y'all.. Here is a new video update for my tank.. Grabbed a bunch of new livestock to throw in there and so far everything is THRIVING in my system! I haven't had any crashes or crazy fluctuations in my water parameters since I started the tank.. I just test my water while this video up loaded and here are my parameters after 5 hours of light today..

Amonia- 0
No2- 0
No3- 0
Salinity- 1.025
PH- 8.2
Calcium- 450
Alkalinity- 11
Phosphates- 0.01

I still have my radions at only 50% power for 8 hours per day and I've seen significant growth on all my corals! Hopefully everything stays stable and all my livestock remains healthy.. I added a potters angel and a few other new fish to my tank along with a bunch of frags.. Check out the video and let me know what you guys think!! Its a short tour of my whole system so if you see anything that needs to be changed or doesn't look right let me know!! Thanks for watching!

IMG_0493_zps78ad958a.mp4 Video by XxWoodsiexX | Photobucket
Hey thanks guys.. I'm about to spend some big money on coral frags so I'm putting a list together of the pieces I've chosen.. I decided I need to invest in an expensive sponge.. I feel this way because I have a sponge from unknown origins in the back of my live rock and it's absolutely out of control.. Guess my tank is good at growing sponges haha.. You can see it in my video when I'm looking for the potters angel..