55 Gallon Reef Tank build

That picture looks like a bristle worm..some are bad some are good..but you better look into that before adding fish
5 Day Check In

Okay so 5 days in and everything is going great!! I've been adding my Ph. Buffer/ Calcium Carbonate every third day and all my levels appear normal.. I also added some live rock and a couple Blue/Green Chromis today!! Its great to have some life in the tank!! I freakin LOVE Tonga branch rock and my LFS had some so I picked it up.. It's hard to find so when I see it I plan on buying it.. This particular piece of Tonga rock also has a few purple mushrooms growing on it.. I definitely don't expect them to live since my tank is 5 days old but I guess I'll give it a shot.. Time to do some research on mushrooms.. :D But overall I'm having a blast with this hobby!! It's great to have a piece of the ocean in my room.. Here are some updated photos!! Still haven't put a background on it.. :frustrat:




It's been cycling yes.. My friends and LFS owner advised me to add some live rock and a couple hardy fish to help the cycle along.. This will be my tank for a long long time while it does its thing..
Adding live fish doesnt do anything to help the cycle along, all it does is expose your fish to toxic chemicals that will kill them or shorten their lifespan. Plus, you are now stuck with two chromis that you might not want. Unless you take every rock out of your tank to retrieve those fish, they are in there until they die.

Next time, toss in a piece of raw table shrimp. Does the exact same thing with no harm to living creatures.
Sadly that is the old school way of cycling. Thank you for being awesome and taking them back.

Tank looks great! and remember dry rock is cheaper then live rock!
Like Kelz said, its the old school way of cycling a tank, and its always better for your LFS to sell you a fish that will die so that you come and buy more
I'm brand new to the hobby and have a 55g myself. I'll be watching this thread intently to see how you're fairing. Good luck! It looks great so far! I hope you don't mind if I "copy" some of your designs. I need to build a stand and a sump myself...

Sure man that's why I put this build thread on here!! I'm happy to hear you like my designs.. If you need me to take any more detailed pictures of anything let me know and I'll send them to you.. I designed the sump myself and so far its working perfectly with the filter sock and refugium.. I think I provided dimensions and an earlier post but if you need any others let me know.. I still have all the papers I used to draw sketches and do measurements..
Definitely remember when seeking advice from your LFS that they are in the business to sell and make money. Unfortunately there are very few LFS's out there that will do the right thing when it means losing a sale. I always find it more consistent and more reliable to seek advice from a group like the people here on Living reefs becuase they care about the hobby and want people to succeed and stay in the hobby instead of getting frustrated from doing things the wrong way and leaving!
I wonder why my friends and other sources told me to add a couple fish.. I don't want to harm anything.. I'll get them out of there and bring them back.. :frustrat:

Long long time ago it was believed that it was specifically fish waste that encourages the necessary bacteria to colonize an aquarium.
Some folks used to fondly call it the Poop Cycle or the $#1+ Train:
Fish poop > ammonia >> nitrosomona poop > nitrite >> nitrobacter poop > nitrate >> water change.
** Bacteria poop might not be accurate as some byproducts are a result of oxidation rather than digestion.

Many years of combined experience from aquarists have proven that just about anything that decomposes in the water will induce the same colonization.