Reefing newb
I am going to copy over a post by Bifferwine, which pretty much sums up this entire situation with the blue tang and many other fish/coral. You really should think about this.
That is from this thread: https://www.livingreefs.com/newbie-...wbie-mistakes-weve-all-been-there-t41904.html
I would also like to add that even if this tang was in a properly sized tank, it would be highly unlikely that he is going to make it anyways. When they are that tiny they have pretty much just settled out the larval phase and they need to eat about 30 times a day, which is something you cant provide. Plus you have no idea how long its been since that tang was fed. It can be a few weeks between collection and getting to a LFS, where they still might not be fed. For the one that makes it, its not unrealistic to figure that 15-20 didnt.
Finally, I question where you got the experience to know wether or not that fish is behaving normally. You have only had this tank for about a month and you have only had clownfish which are in vastly different area of behavior patterns than tangs.
My point is simple....fish behavior is recorded...and simply opinionated... not a definite fact... u nor anyone here knows what a fish feels... me included...I take ur knowledge and make my interpretation of it and make my own decisions...I take ur criticism with a grain of salt as well as others... IMO the fish is acting like a fish... unless I see otherwise will I determine otherwise!!