180 gallons up in this!!!! NWKRC!

look at that color...<gasp> it takes me breath away. I cannot believe how beautiful it is. WOW!!! It is likely snacking on crap in the sandbed - looks a bit dirty anyway. That is one fish I will have in the future. Damn, I am so angry that I did not go with the 210 from the start. send more pics!!! BTW, how big is it? I would love to see a pic of Jack, the Vlamingi with the queen

shes doin alright.... still not eating frozen. she keeps picking at stuff. and the sandbed has a lot of little pieces of rubble and crap.... its the garf grunge i got a few months back. . My camera is so bad. terrible doesnt even describe it. I have taken like 30 pics and all are blurred and crap. its a 5mp sony so it shouldnt be too bad. believe me im tryng . they are both so active that its hard to get a clear pic of both of them. but i have a lower quality video to tie you over in a minute.

I sure cant wait till you get to own one of these fish Doc. they are so beautiful. she darts at the koran from time to time.... but havent seen too much aggression
it is a great sign that she is picking at diatoms and such. Feeding won't take that long. Make sure you melt the cube in a bit of tank water so it flies around the water column - that can trigger a feeding response.

Can't wait for more pics!!!

WOW!!!! I had no idea the queen was THAT BIG. Impressive all the way around. looks to be, what, about 8 inches? that is about halfway grown. they get MASSIVE! thanks for the video. I may use it later...for....personal reasons....

so yesterday was day 6..... finally saw the queen eat about 3-4 pieces of food..... still not even as much as my sixline will wolf down in a feeding.... but its a step forward and relieved me a bit. seems to be going in the right direction. we shall see tonight when I get home how she eats tonight. I've got my fingers crossed for more than 3 pieces of food.
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relax. that is a great sign. You are golden. My guess is it will be kicking Jack's ass for food in about 5 days

man I sure hope so. I'm startin to stress a lil. and my bioload is getting so damn big with all this food I've been dumping in. damn css sucks. never works right. need new skimmer.... but ill trust in what you say and rest easy for the time being
well I let Felicia name the fish since she did go halfway on it with me. and she was in charge of my koran too since she bought it for me. so the queen took Gabriel because I wanted it to be a female name and she wanted the 2 fish to be angel names since they are....... well angelfish. many beliefs consider gabriel to be the only female angel (except catholics as an example) so that switch was made and the koran was named michael so they are both the archangels
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