180 gallons up in this!!!! NWKRC!

ALL HAIL TO THE QUEEN! thats right I stepped it up and got the queen angelfish today. Holy crap im so excited and I certainly hope you are too DR! so far there are no problems between the queen and my other tankmates and it spent about a solid hour and a half getting cleaned by "beer battered" the cleaner shrimp. here is a great shot (not quality wise) of the shrimp cleaning directly in the mouth of the queen angel.

well the move sucked lionfish..... successful but sucked. luckily the only thing I lost was a turbo snail. nothing much else to note as far as the move ... but I did re-do some of my aquascaping so ill take some pics soon. and of course more angel pics are needed
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thanks reeffreak. I'm jacked about it.

no lionfish I haven't. I have been meaning to, but have not yet. I wish I could see tool in concert again. it was so amazing.
Great pic. Please post more: full tank, with the koran, with the vlamingi, up close, far away, more, more, more. I love that fish (I am SOOOO jealous)

BTW, Alexander, I am so proud of you!

thanks doc. I knew I'd make you proud. I will take more pics. just need to get it at a moment where the sun is completely down. camera kinda sucks and even with blinds closed there is a lot of reflection on the glass. trust me... more pics to come