well, crap. that isn't so good either. well, you get the idea. anyway, my little guy is losing his black color from the face back. His nose is almost all yellow and his polka-dot pattern is very visible in the mid-section
gabriel is doing well. eating fine, staying clean. heres my only question. was your Koran really timid for a while. he still hides in the rocks quite a bit. doesnt seem like he is totally comfortable with the tank quite yet
yes. it took him 3 weeks to really come out. He owns the tank now, but it took him a while. He did play second fiddle to the Blue Ring I had in there as well as that MONSTER emperor I had. He will probably not be the dominant fish with Jack in there. He will probably dart in and out for a while, until you get more fish in there. my guess is he will come to life more with more company.
some fish should be left in the ocean. mandarin gobies are one of them IMHO. they are so hard to keep. I will cross my fingers for you. How about an eel?
Mandrines do great,as long as you get one thats already eatting frozen foods.
The only time I ever see my mandrine is when its feeding day,he'll dart out and grab a bite the run back in the rocks.
a Bicolor angel may get pissy with the Koran, unless it is really tiny. They can get pugnacious as adults - kind of the king of the pygmy angelfish. I like the eel idea - white-eyed moray