Yotes 125

Thanks y'all.
Heres a couple more pics.
I thought I'd go a head and to mix things up some and added this rock with 3 mushrooms.

And heres a FTS.Looks kinda empty with 18 different frags in it.

Also added 5 more pepperment shrimp and 2 cleaner shrimp,which like to hide in the rocks.
Its doing great so far Winy.I can actually see thousands of tiny little tubes all over it where it takes in water.

How long have you had it? and do you add any supplements like phyto to your tank? I would love to try one again but not if it will just die.
How long have you had it? and do you add any supplements like phyto to your tank? I would love to try one again but not if it will just die.

Winy,I've had it about 3 weeks I guess.
The only supplements I add other than cal/alk/mag, are Brightwells Reef snow,their zooplankton,and Bio Reef Fuel.I never use Phyto,I figure the green dust that gets on the glass is natural phyto,so no need to add more.
Let me know how it goes. I will let you keep it for 6 months before I decide to get another. :) I agree with you on the phyto growing on my glass. ;)
Let me know how it goes. I will let you keep it for 6 months before I decide to get another. :) I agree with you on the phyto growing on my glass. ;)

Thats a deal:D

I went added a tiny rock of orange Zoanthids last night.I'll get pics later today when I get home from work.
nice new additions, keep galaxea far from any coral you don't want to get stung cause they got some long sweeper tentacles on them and can do some nice damage to sps.
Thanks D.
That Galaxea is a good 18" from the nearest SPS :D I know all about those sweepers on that coral.You'll sure know it when one of em finds a cut on your hand:grumble: