Yellow multibanded pipefish

hey biff did u ever get the pipes?? mine is doing great


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I'm jealous of yours -- I never did get any! Neither of my LFSs have been able to order me some... I may bite the bullet once the weather warms up some and order them online.
itd be worth it their nowhere near as hard as they say they are supposed to be,and its fun to watch them strike pods off the glass and rocks
I've see mine in the rock work when my lights turn or when there's more than 1 person by my tank other wise he's out and about all the time
We have two LFS here. I had put in orders for a pair of yellow multibanded pipefish at both of them six months ago. NOTHING this whole time. Yesterday I go into one of them, and the guy says, "Hey we got pipefish!" I was like, "Woohoo!" ...Except they got one each of three different types of pipes -- one of which is a yellow multibanded :lol: I said, "Ummm I wanted a pair." He said, "Yeah, you can take a pair. Which two do you want?" :lol:

So I left the pipes at the store, but told him if he can get me a second one OF THE SAME KIND, I'll take them both. I'm going to head over to the other LFS today and keep my fingers crossed that they just happen to have one in, then I can buy one from each store. :D I'm really tempted to just buy the one, and get a second one as soon as I can, but I know keeping them solo does lower their chance of success a bit, and I want their odds to be optimal!
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mine has been by himself since i got him and hes still goin strong whenever i upgrade im gonna get him his mate,do u think its possible to pair up two different species??
mine has been by himself since i got him and hes still goin strong whenever i upgrade im gonna get him his mate,do u think its possible to pair up two different species??

From what I've seen, yes. They are really passive, and I've seen several tanks that have more than one type of pipefish in them.
Well I think we are going to head back to the LFS tomorrow and buy the lonely yellow multibanded pipefish and one of the other ones they had (I think it was a janss' pipe). Then wait for them to get another batch in to pair them up. I am excited!!
Oh sorry Biff I got them yesterday afternoon as a Christmas gift to my self. They had them on sale for some reason. :mrgreen:
Here are my new pipefish!

Sig, the yellow multibanded pipefish, and Edgar, the blue stripe pipefish. They have been at the LFS for two weeks, are eating frozen, and have been treated for parasites. I have a buddy for each one on order as well. Hopefully the LFS can get them in quickly.



