yellow angel not eating

Pretty sure my tank has been infested with marine ich. Today I noticed more white spots on several of the inhabitants. Could be part of the reason for the angel not eating. I set up a 24g QT and I am debating on the best treatment. Tomorrow I'm going to my lfs for advice. Any ideas of things to try and things not to try would be great.
definantly treat the fish in a QT. All the fish at once.
What ever the meds, follow the directions to the letter.
Keep the fish in the QT for 8 weeks of so to break the life cycle of the ick in the DT.

then QT and fish that you get and you will be ick free.

Just make sure if you do use copper for treatment, which I believe is what you should use, make sure to re-acclimate your fish before putting them back into your DT so that they don't bring that copper back with them.