Where to put macro algae in Sump ?


Reefing newb
Hi I'm in the process of setting up my first aquarium and had a question around where I should be putting the macro algae (i.e. cheeto). As a background I have a 48G display tank currently overflowing to a 16G sump. I attached a quick drawing of what I currently have, but the setup I currently have is a sump with 3 compartments.
- Overflow pipe goes into compartment A (a box really) which has a filter mat.
- Water then drops from compartment A into compartment B
- Water flows from compartment B to C which is where the skimmer sits.
- The pipe to the return pump sits at the bottom of compartment C.
- The bottom of compartments B & C have an elevated platform with holes (for water to pass through) in case the drawing looked a bit odd.

I initially assumed I can just get some macro algae and dump it in compartment C, but after getting and setting up the protein skimmer yesterday, I realised how little space I actually have there with this. In this setup do people know if it makes sense to put the macro algae in compartment B ? As you can imagine I didn't research this enough before buying my equipment given it feels like I should have gotten a sump that has an extra compartment for this... but now that I have this bought and set up trying to see what I can (should) manage.


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As you can imagine I didn't research this enough before buying my equipment given it feels like I should have gotten a sump that has an extra compartment for this... but now that I have this bought and set up trying to see what I can (should) manage.

Ehhhh, yeah that really is your problem, the not planning part.

But something that comes to my mind that might help/work out for you is you might be able to attach hoses to the skimmer and actually have the skimmer sitting outside the tank then you could have that big open area for a refugium (just adding 1 last baffle on the end).
Placing the skimmer outside of the sump isn't an option unfortunately as there isn't any space left in the cabinet. The skimmer actually has a minimum water depth rating so also doubting I'm supposed to be putting it outside the sump.

In this layout is putting the macro algae in compartment B an option ? What I'm meant to do with that section of space in the sump is actually a big mystery to me.
ideally the refugium should not be in the same compartments as the filtration...that would just suck out all the nutrients....maybe you can add a small HOB box like the ones used for separating fishes and add sand and algae to it....maybe you can design something like the one is the link below..good luck.

CPR CITR In-Tank Refugium - Bulk Reef Supply
Interesting, thanks I'll take a look further. Struggling to understand why that vs. putting in compartment B would be different from nutrients getting sucked out. Is it in the case of B the water would pass through there too quickly ?
Interesting, thanks I'll take a look further. Struggling to understand why that vs. putting in compartment B would be different from nutrients getting sucked out. Is it in the case of B the water would pass through there too quickly ?

from my limited experience you don't want the algae/sand before the bubble trap as that will make it prone to slowly moving the items from one compartments to the other...just a possibility but that could block the bubble trap all together, slow down your water flow from compartment B to C or worse get stuck in the pump for your protein skimmer.
Its hard to tell from the drawing, but your chaeto will need a light source to grow as well. What type of light will you be using? You will be fine putting it into compartment B as long as it can get light there.
If all you are going to have is cheato in there then the only problems I see are where and how to rig the light and the fact that pieces of cheato are going to get pulled into the skimmer and the return pump. On my sump design I get some cheato into my skimmer pump on occasion so I have to clean the pump out every two to three weeks. Optimally the skimmer should be in the section that the water comes into the sump but nothing is written in stone here. As far as it the skimmer pulling nutrients out of the water if it with the cheato.....I dont see that as a problem. The entire point of the filtration we use is to pull out nutrients. Less nutrients equals less problem algae. The cheato and skimmer just do it different ways.

You could build a "wall" with eggcrate which would limit the large ball of cheato getting sucked into the return pump. I kinda did that because it kept trying to get into my bubble trap.
Ah I forgot I need a light (duh). The compartment A in my drawing is a box that can be removed... I'm thinking maybe then.

- Get rid of compartment A, extend the overflow pipe into compartment B.
- But a filter sock on the overflow pipe (given I would no longer have a filter mat).
- Place the cheato in compartment B..

There actually is a actually a platform on w/ holes for water to get through on the bottom of compartment B separating the path to C so wondering if that would prevent the cheato from going to C and potentially getting stuck in the skimmer or return pump ? Unless of course cheato can easily rip apart into small parts and get through.

I btw don't plan on putting sand in the sump...
Well the sponges in mine serve two pourposes. On the side with the skimmer it helps prevent micro bubbles from making it to my display. In the side with cheato it prevents snails and hermits getting to my rubble rock side along with kepping any loose cheato out of that section also.
I think the new design would work pretty well. The only time I get pieces of cheato are when I rip in half to sell to the lfs other then that it stays together.
Yeah mine stay pretty much toghether also, just ones in a wile when i trim it down and then rotate it so the other side can get light then i get a couple strangs come loose.