Where Do i register ?

and I sorta wanted to do new

alot of people Run Copper pipes to there sumps kill everything and want to get out of the hobby real quick

My luck i would get a Copper laced unit,
I plan on the new Tank when we redo the floors in the house, So the 55 will go to the Kitchen until the new tank can cycle Right.
Glasscages work right out here in middle Tennessee.I've seen way to many complaints in the middle Tennessee reefer's club.From rude owner,long waits and odd warranty.I'm sure there were some happy customer.Funny though,that picture doesn't look like it has starfire glass.If you truly want a tank with starfire glass,ask your LFS if they can get Oceanic to build you one.If your okay with a 4 foot tank,check out the Oceanic Tech Series.120g. RR with starfire glass,euro-bracing,black back glass and more.Its 48''Lx24''Wx20''H.They are so awesome,I wish they would go bigger.They will if you get a custom from them though.

I will look into it reef, thanks

I have heard Good and bad on glass cages most of the bad was on people wanting to uber custom the order and get a lil pissy when the silicone had an air bubble in the sump.

The picture i added is a Stock photo from the site, the price i gave was the price it came up with after adding the bells and whistles and delivery to louisville

Where did you get that photo, can you give me a link?
I heard worst stories.
They don't use thick enough glass on the bottom.The whole underside of the tank needs to be supported not just around the edge like most stands.

Oceanic in my opinion makes the best glass tanks.I was originally was going to go with a custom 250g. that was 7 feet long.It was too pricey for me,damn I wished I went with that then Biff wouldn't have a bigger tank than mine.I would be so happy if you get a 241g. or bigger.

Here's the link to Oceanic........Oceanic Systems
I have heard similar stories about glasscages. I avoid them like the plague. One guy who ordered his tank had it shatter once it was filled with water - thin glass. DON'T buy from them. IMHO.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
I thing that glasscages.com are more for birds and reptiles from what I've seen of their site.

I think if it was me,I'd stick with the brands that are known.All Glass/Oceanic and the like.
Better safe than sorry when it comes to tanks and floors.
220 RR perfecto corner overflow Brand new in the box
Stand canopy, 75 gallon Sunp/Fuge

All It needs is a Return pump $1,300 I would need to pick this up
The guy at the store said that if i got this tank he would Do the Substrate and Liverock at Cost
So 300 Lbs of Rock for $350 or so ! I think this is the tank im gettin'
Wheres the pics?

I dont think thats a bad deal.I dont anything about Perfecto tanks except that Petco and Petsmart sale em.
Ok lion, you know not having pics kills us right? Do you realize the amount of devastation you unleash without pics? Just 2-3 pics a day will feed a starved reefer, join us today with your pic donation...
Quiet honestly there arent any pics yet But there will be !
I must Redo the floors in the house before i get the new tank.
In good time people all in good time!

I can however post pics of my New mushroom rock! or fether duster With Toadstool hitchhiker that i am trying to save, or my new True Perc clown in the 20G .
I'm excited for you Lionfish,you just had to get a tank 10 gallons more than me.
Looking forward to your build thread.