50% Off @ LFS

2.5 hours for acclimation???!! That's about 2 hours more than my LFS says is necessary (except for snails)... comments welcome from the peanut gallery!

Beautiful new additions, BTW... too bad about the LFS quitting, though :(
I wish I had 10 tanks. I'd go down to the LFS and buy every coral and decent fish that they still have. It's all 50% off. Stupid cheap.
Thats a good idea Biff.

With all the help we've given,you should go ahead send us some.You didn't think our help was free did you?:mrgreen:
Heres a better idea Rc.
Go but em up,drop in in a box and head on out this way with your rifle.
I'll trade you a cat hunt for em.:mrgreen:
haven't you ever had the "chicken" at chinese resturants that come on the little wooden scewer? yup, that's cat.