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I agree with winny. When you acclimate fish you should make the tank dark so there is no immeadiat fighting and it can find a place to hide to lessen stress. Give him a day or two and he if they get along if they dont a week or two so they can figure out who tuffer.
I did leave the lights on this time. I have been trying to acclimate late in the evening so that I can release into actinic or dark.

They're damsels!! He'll pull through. :mrgreen:
No other clowns. This is the third and last fish in my tank.

I have:
3-4" diamond watchman goby
2" 6-line wrasse
1.5" Ocellaris clown (todays purchase)

Thats it.

I wanted to buy an anenome for him, but I don't think it would have survived under my PC lighting.
little marlin should be fine.
sometimes anemones do okay. I have had one in my 12 gallon nano for over 3 years and it split and is still doing awesome.
One of the dusters popped it's head this morning. :grumble:

Will the tube grow a new head?
Will the head grow a new tube?
Do I need to toss both parts in the trash can?
The worm is still moving around in the tube.

The head is spread wide open and looks perfectly alive.

I guess I'll leave them in there and maybe I'll end up with 3 dusters. :bounce: Jeeze, I got these two for $15. How cheap is that?
Here is a decent pic of the polyp colony. Look to the right at the bottom of the colony. There are 3 or 4 dark colored polyps there. Can't wait to see these grow out.

I posted pics in my gallery if anyone wants to look for the Round Robin. They are listed as Zoas and thats in my Invertebrates section.
I'll put some pics up tomorrow when the lights are all on. My actinic just went off, so the tank is dark for the night.

Nemo hasn't found a rock to hide out yet. He's just swimming back and forth--up and down. Seams stressed or nervous. Or is that just how clowns act?

I have some clowns and they always seem to be swimming back and forth. I think it is their way of blending into the anenome that they host.

the feather dusters will shed his crown if it is spooked for some reason, and sometimes for no reason at all. it should grow it back.

I want some blue zoa's! i wannna i wanna. can i have some? i'll trade some kittens for one polyp. how's that for a deal?:)
The feather duster worm will grow a new crown but the crown will not grow a new worm.Make sure no fish or other critters isn't picking on them.Their defense mechanism is to toss there crowns when in danger.If it happens to often the worm will starve to death.It will grow back,just keep your eyes open.
Yeah interesting,I see them now.I never seen black zoos before,definitely look like it.

I want them zoo frag on the left!