What size would be best?


Reefing newb
Whats the ideal size(in gph) for my overflow box and return pump for the sump/refugium I'm building? I was thinking a 600gph overflow and a 525gph return pump at roughly 4ft in height. Is this sufficient for a 75 gallon DT and 20 gallon sump? Also, any reccommendations on brands for both the overflow and pump? Thanks in advance.
That sounds fine. I used a 600 gph overflow box on my old 55 gallon tank, and it worked out just fine. I used a CPR overflow box and never had any problems. LifeReef is also a good brand for overflow boxes.

As for pumps, I used an Eheim on my last sump, and am currently using a MagDrive. I'd recommend either one of those brands.
A 600gph over is about the norm.I The Lifereef overflow box are great and a Mag 7(700gph at zero head height) would make a perfect match.There are cheaper boxes that will get the job done but none I've read gets a unanimous thumbs up from other reefers on the different boards I visit.
Good deal...thanks guys. Photos will be forthcoming. I just got the rest of the parts to build my sump and the skimmer, return pump and overflow are on their way. :) Thanks again!
If your going for over the wall siphon overflows you should get two of them. Redundancy is nice on a reef tank. Especially when working with an overflow feeding a sump that I expect will be holding your skimmer and your heaters and also providing a good portion of your tanks circulation. Also consider the fact that a pump or any motor produces a lot of heat. All efficiency loss in a motor can be considered heat. If you are using a submersible pump all that heat generated instead of pumping action is heat that is going into your water. Add that to heat from power head, skimmer pump and lights. External pumps waste heat created is exhausted outside of tank. I do not use or recommend Mag Pumps or Enheims as I try to avoid use of submersible pumps whenever possible, however I would recommend Lifereef overflow boxes to those using out mod ed siphon overflows. I also do not recommend a combination submersible/external pump being used as an external pump as they have a shorter lifespan used in that manner, as well as consuming extra watts.