Weird problem i've been having

Whats happening,is your moving em from lower indirect light to high direct light,basically shocking them.
When you take em off the frag rack,start em on the bottom and work em up from there.That SHOULD help.
Ya, that's what I figured Yote, but the problem like I said earlier is that I don't have anywhere to put them, other than the frag rack, that is temporary. If i don't epoxy them down, they will get picked up by an urchin, knocked over, lost, etc.

So I'm going to have to try the higher light fixture idea. Since my light is so easy to raise/lower with about 4' of vertical adjustement available, that should hopefully do the trick. :)
I think you had it figured out right d2 with the raising and lowering of the light fixture :)

That seems to be the most practical approach in your situation.

Those frags may be able to take the fixture lowered but not right away, they prolly just need to be eased into that intensity a little better