I would consider hiring an attorney to make sure you are covered in all those little areas that nice people don't usually think about... personal, fiscal liabilities and responsibilities, that kind of thing. Also, you should be able to look up records about this business. I wonder what impact the availability of online stores is having on LFS? Also, I would wonder if there is some way you could expand and take advantage of the internet? Could you take a week off your job and work at this LFS? I agree with Biff, your wife is awesome for volunteering to step up but if this is to be your business it is important that people meet you from the beginning. I'm an artist, I work for myself in my "hobby". It does change the way you think about what you do. It is important that you are willing to give up your hobby. It could become all the better because you do it all day but it will change. I totally get that it sucks to work for others. There is a lot of freedom for me because of my career choice. Fortunately, I'm not tied to a store. If you want to go on vacation, get sick, decide to change jobs or even just take a weekend off, you have to make arrangements for your store. I don't think I could do that. If I haven't managed to dissuade you, I would definitely go for it! If I have, think about something else. Whatever you do, have fun. Considering something like this is really, really cool.