Spring vs Reverse Osmosis

To be a little safer, you could try testing it with a TDS, and nitrate/phosphate kit and see what those say. But, my tanks will never have anything but ro/di or distilled in it.
To be a little safer, you could try testing it with a TDS, and nitrate/phosphate kit and see what those say. But, my tanks will never have anything but ro/di or distilled in it.

I agree completely. Why take the chance? Since distilled water is about 97c a gallon, I doubt the "spring water" is any less expensive. Then again it would be interesting to see the test results.
If it is true spring water, then they collect it right from the spring and bottle it. It might not have anything added to it, but it will have minerals from the water's travel through the rocks and ground to the spring. The bottle should tell you the source of the water.

For instance, the bottle of spring water I have is from a spring in Jackson County Michigan
LOL I am an admitted perfectionist. I dont like to "make do" but I am always looking for the cheapest way to do things. That in mind sometimes spending the good money up front for the right stuff ends up saving you more money and heartache later.

Save a penny spend a fortune...
Cheap perfection.... Interesting
Cheap perfection.... Interesting
Yup :)
I am the Queen of steals and deals, if it can be had for cheaper, done for less, or haggled down, I am the girl to talk to LOL

But like I said sometimes that means spending the good money up front. I REFUSE to buy anything at walmart anymore, well at least in the way of home furnishings/decorations etc etc. You buy stuff there for the lowest price, you get the lowest quality and you end up replacing it so often that you wouldve been better off to spend the big bucks from the get go. This is how I view my tank. If I spend the good money from the start on water, and I continue with it on my water changes and refills, then my likelihood ob battling the same issues someone using tap water or just not pure water goes down, saving my test kit, my salt cost, my money in fish and corals and heartache. Not that casualties wont happen, but try and do it right from the start you dont have to do it again.
My father went off on me when he found out that I spent $150 of my own money on an RO/DI filter. :shock:

He thought it was rediculouse how slow it made water so I told him it was because the water pressure wasn't high enough. He accuses me of not doing any research on it. He's the one who bought a koralia 240 for the 110 and put an anemone in the tank with no light and no flow and aweful nitrates. Omg I shouldn't have said that. :shock:

I won't even say what he says about you guys... :shock::shock::shock:
My father went off on me when he found out that I spent $150 of my own money on an RO/DI filter. :shock:

He thought it was rediculouse how slow it made water so I told him it was because the water pressure wasn't high enough. He accuses me of not doing any research on it. He's the one who bought a koralia 240 for the 110 and put an anemone in the tank with no light and no flow and aweful nitrates. Omg I shouldn't have said that. :shock:

I won't even say what he says about you guys... :shock::shock::shock:

My dad is the same way. He is sure he knows it all and hates when I prove him wrong. Generally though when I can find a reliable source and make him read it he STFU because he realizes im not full of it