show your video

I Tried to video my Lion eating a Fish today, The tomato clown chased it as usual and I glanced at the Tang with the camera and the Feeder fish was gone nothing but a tail hanging out of Hector's( Lionfish) mouth.

Do you guys wanna see that or do you want to wait for a better Vid.
of course we want to see it.... A better question is why in the hell did you pan away from your lion fish/clown. LIONFISH YOU GO ON TIME OUT RIGHT NOW!!!!!!! PUT YOUR NOSE IN THE CORNOR AND THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU HAVE DONE!!!!!
That skimmer really is awsome and for an awsome price. What brand is it. From your other pics it looks like its foaming good and the swirl looks great. I want one for my 10. And for 15.00 who can complain?
the brand is Resun model local FS adquired them for use in got my attention rigth away!!
I'll try looking on the net for it, but I have never heard of that name before. If I find one for 15.00 I'll be all over it.
heres the box ..probably ill help a bit..the owner said that this products were made in china..low cost...he has power heads, skimmers, hang on filters of this brand that works great..and very cheap...i saw powerheads for 8.99$..not bad huh..
No not bad at all, even the cheap little ones here at walmart are around 20.00. I did find the skimmer on ebay for 14.99 but the shipping is 22.00 if I remember right. I'm going to keep looking around though,
I will, but the only one I have found is the one on ebay so far. I'll look some more when I get home from school.
Ok,Now that I've finally figured out how to upload videos
Heres one of my 55.

My video skills are right on par with my still photography skills. So its not the best in the world.
Great tank yote!! I love the colorful rock, fish, and corals. Looks great. Man I love that goby.
Thanks Bobby.
I love that tank,But every thing in is going into my 90 as soon as I can get it here and ready.I just hope it turns out as good and as easy.
very nice yote!! that rock is awsome!!..and that pair of clowns looks so healthy...everyting looks amazing!!!..great job buddy...