show your video

Fishbait, tank looks great, but I want info on why the pump hooked to the pvc.
Nice tank Fish !

my LionFish wants to meet that lil yellow guy ! hell my tomato might want a taste as well lol
awsome!! bobby im curious about the pump into the PVC...YOU GUYS ARE KILLING ME WITH THOSE AWSOME CORALS!!...hehhhee..
Alright here are my tanks.

55 Gallon-

Fairy new tank, don't have much in it yet, just (2) black clowns and a cleaner shrimp. And yes, my new clown paired right up with my old one, yay. I am going to wait 2 more months before I add anything else. My plans are to get the 8 bulb T5 and add LPS and try my hand at a few SPS once I get my DI hooked up. I rushed this tank in the beggining and the results were nill. I lost a few fish because of it.

10 Gallon-
This is my "mess" around tank. I just added a few corals a month ago and they are doing great. I plan on adding a sand bottom and more LR and hopefully have it full of Zoas in the future. The only animals I will be putting in this tank are some Sexy Shrimp, and maybe try a sea horse, we'll see.
those rocks on you 55 has a very beautifull color!!..aquascape is great!!..thanks to you i got the idea of setting up a 10g!!..zoas looks awsome...nice work ssalty
They really are great looking tanks salty! Like rigo said great aquascaping and colors on the rocks. Good job.
I like seeing videos of tanks. They speak volumes better than pics do. I am working on a way to get a good video shot of mine. I really want you guys to see what I have been talking up. I have about 30 corals, wicked pretty fish and some of the most purple coralline algae you have ever seen, IMHO. I will try to post a video ASAP, with a portion shot of the fish feeding, it is quite a sight to behold. Thanks for all your video sharing. Reeffreak, your tank was amazing. I am jealous of your colt coral. I want one, but my angels keep eating them. I have tried three, they seem to enjoy eating it - weird.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
Salty those rocks are amazing...... My GF wants those clowns pretty badly..... did you buy them as a pair or did you pair them up yourself?
Salty those rocks are amazing...... My GF wants those clowns pretty badly..... did you buy them as a pair or did you pair them up yourself?

Dude, you have to remember my clown thread ealier, haha. But than again I don't think I updated it.:^:

Anyways, I had a Black and Orange clown and the orange clown got real aggresive, so I took him back to the fish store and bought another Black clown. The first few days they fought a little, but now they paired up and get along great.

Also, thanks for the compliments guys/girls. I really like this thread.

I really enjoyed watching your aquariums as well.
Doc thanks for the compliment.I can't wait to see your video,in picture yours look awesome,so I know it would really look special in video.

Fish,awesome video,the xenia look beautiful especially.

Salt....great looking tank too(very clean).I know I've said it before but those black clowns have to be my first additions in the new setup.
Dude, you have to remember my clown thread ealier, haha. But than again I don't think I updated it.:^:

Anyways, I had a Black and Orange clown and the orange clown got real aggresive, so I took him back to the fish store and bought another Black clown. The first few days they fought a little, but now they paired up and get along great.QUOTE]

Forgot about that one.
Fishbait, tank looks great, but I want info on why the pump hooked to the pvc.[/QU
Thanks for a all the compliments,
I built the rack to give the illusion of having a lot of live rock (of course ya'll allready knew that) then i drilled 1/8 holes about 1 inch or so apart, hooked up the powerhead and wal-a. now i have circulation under and around all the live rock. it made a HUGE difference on the cleanines of my tank. you wouldn't believe the amount of stuff floating around when i first turned it on. i just need a little more rock so the pvc isn't visible. my fish love it too because it made a huge cave for them to swim and hide in.