Rescued starfish need help.

thanks everyone. one last question. the arm the fell off today is currently in a container of aquarium water right now and it's moving... y?

Creepy as hell, but common. If the arm contains any piece of the disk (main body) it can develop into its own starfish. Arms that have even a shred of the disk will still act alive and like a real starfish. The lone arms will go after food, and even try to eat. They will wriggle all over the tank, and climb rocks. CREEPY AS HELL. I had it happen once in my tank when a serpent star fell apart. All of its legs had lives of their own all of a sudden. CREEPY AS HELL.
It's the third day I've had the starfish now. Today it lost another leg so it's down to just 2. I went to a different fish store yesterday and they told me that the fact the starfish is moving and bending it's body around rocks and what not, means that it's not in horrible shape. They recomended feeding phytoplankton but it was really expensive so the next thing they recomended was freeze dried krill.


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give it something meaty like a piece of shrimp... hes a red knobby star like yote said and he isn't reef safe :( cool critter though...

sometimes leg dropping is signs of different things... mostly stress but sometimes reproduction in which the star will drop a leg and a whole new star will form... that might be whats happening because some do that before they die